

涕泪[tì lèi]




涕泪 双语例句

1. 翻的我涕泪具下,感动的不行真的,我们会遇到许多麻烦。
    And it is ture that we will meet a lot of trouble.

2. 涕泪什么意思

2. 她的每一首歌,都是一个个凄美的爱情故事,常常把人感动的涕泪横流……她是我最喜欢的歌手,我喜欢她那细腻的感情的风格。
    I like the style of her exquisite sentiment.

3. 我被他们给予大力的热情感动涕泪
    I was _overwhelmed_ by their kindness and moved to tears.

4. 我涕泪横流,我不知道是涕还是泪。
    I was choking on my own saliva or tears, I wasn`t sure which.

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5. 我吃灰尘当食粮,我喝涕泪当水汤
    I eat ashes like bread, mingle my drink with tears.

6. 涕泪什么意思

6. 但是,这一切不可能实现了:当我出来走到走廊,他那一直沉默不语的女伴抱住了我,涕泪纵横。
    However, that was not to be: When I came out into the corridor, his lady companion who had been silent hitherto, hugged me and began sobbing.

7. 他们被城市放逐了,离别城市那天还涕泪交加,现在突然看到一个大都市的废墟,他们会作何感想?
    They were the city of exile, the day of departure cities also Tilei Cross, all of a sudden now see the ruins of a city, they will think?

8. 只是在葬礼那一天,由于大家都在泪雨滂沱,他才涕泪起来,但在死亡面前,他却害怕说谎、害怕自己是虚与委蛇。
    Only on the day of the funeral, because of the general outburst of tears, did he weep, but he was afraid of being insincere and telling lies in the presence of death.

9. 心志豪莽的帕夫拉戈尼亚人在他身边忙忙碌碌,将他抬上马车,运回神圣的伊利昂,悲痛满怀。他的父亲,涕泪横流,走在他们身边――谁也不会支付血酬,赔偿被杀的儿男。
    The brave Paphlagonians tended him with all due care; they raised him into his chariot, and bore him sadly off to the city of Troy; his father went also with him weeping bitterly, but there was no ransom that could bring his dead son to life again.

10. 这里不会有最后一秒才出现的关键证人,也不会有涕泪交流的场面。
    There's not gonna be any last minute surprise witnesses. Nobody's gonna break down on the stand with a tearful confession.

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11. 她涕泪涟涟地坐轿子回了家。
      She went home in a flood of tears and set an chair.

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12. 听了嫘祖妈妈的佳话,我感激涕泪而下,忙跪下感恩,嫘祖妈妈您不愧是我们的圣母,我们的始祖母,您真是万古骑辰星,光辉照天下。
      After listening to stories of mother Leizu, I am grateful tears down, kneel busy Thanksgiving, Lei Zu Mother Mary you are worthy of our, our grandmother before, you really eternal ride jin sung, according to the glorious world.

13. 涕泪的反义词

13. 亦只有彼时,聆听者才会宛若置身于无可比拟的交响乐中,那优美的非常之音能够打动人们的心弦,以至于让人达到如痴如醉、涕泪交零的程度。
      Only then is one in communion with that inimitable symphony the very sound of which moves man to tears and ecstasy.

14. 涕泪是什么意思

14. 登陆后,来接机的亲人一下子涌上来,我们拥抱著数十年来无法相见的亲人,涕泪齐下,哭笑难分,不知是悲是喜。
      These were castles that were built during the Crusades and one could help but feel totally enveloped by the sense of history as we walked through the castles.

15. 然后他一头栽倒在地上涕泪横流,我让他那么呆了一会然后把拖拉起来站好。
      Then he fell forward onto his face and I let him snivel for a while before I pulled him up and onto his feet.