

深宵[shēn xiāo]


深宵 双语例句

1. 深宵在线翻译

1. 鸿渐知道今天的睡眠像唐晓芙那样的不可追求,想着这难度的长夜,感到一种深宵旷野独行者的恐怯。
    Thinking of the long and troublesome night ahead, he felt the dread of the lone traveler crossing an open plain in the depth of night.

2. 他们也会在赛事中运用不同技术,如在深宵聆听猫头鹰和欧夜鹰的鸣叫声等来寻找鸟类。
    Teams will also employ different skills such as hearing the owls or Nightjar churring during mid-night to record bird species.

3. 深宵的意思

3. 她告诉我的恋人我与她舞至深宵,然后,望着一脸茫然的我
    She told my baby we'd danced till three, then she looked at me

4. 深宵的解释

4. 如果这区的招牌於深宵至早上时间关掉,你会减少到这区消费?
    If these signage in front of you are switched off from mid-night to morning, you will consume less in this district?

5. 深宵

5. 我在想我做人有几可可以这麼豪有空在深宵sit on sofa 看TV?
    How many midnight i can still have? after 3.5 yrs then need to work.

6. 深宵_大换的空间欢迎来到我的空间!
    Welcome To My Space!

7. 愚弄世人,为人愚弄,如今我不能再潇洒的笑,潇洒的走,潇洒的笑谈人生,我已不是我,呆坐深宵。。。。。。。
    Must I always be playing, playing your fool?

8. 孩子们把袜子挂在火炉边,希望圣诞老人在深宵把礼物带来,放进袜子里。
    Children socks hanging on the side of the stove, I hope Santa Claus brings gifts to late at night, put in socks.

9. 深宵什么意思

9. 由于调查期间社会福利署及非政府机构推行的露宿者服务均较少在深宵进行外展
    In the period of survey, there was not any late night service provided by SWD