1. 他对全球行业领域的深知灼见,他的智慧、精力,将支持通用在全球获得成功。
His knowledge of the global industry and the company are exceptional, and he has the intellect, energy, and support among GM'ers worldwide to succeed.
2. 深知灼见的近义词
2. 他对全球行业领域的深知灼见,他的智慧、精力,将支持通用在全球获得成功。
His knowledge of the globalindustry and the company are exceptional, and he has the intellect, energy, and support among GM`ers worldwide to succeed.
3. 这也只是常识,算不上是深知灼见。
Common sense, not brilliant insight.
4. 深知灼见的解释
4. 和他共事多年,我深知他是非常有理想的人,深信他能领导公司完成应对重组的挑战,以获得新生。他对全球行业领域的深知灼见,他的智慧、精力,将支持通用在全球获得成功。
I deeply appreciate the excellent counsel and commitment of the GM Board and the strong support of our many partners including our terrific dealers, suppliers, and community leaders.