

Mixed up;
混沦 双语例句

1. 混沦是什么意思

1. 在罗马人于408年最后撤走之前,该岛开始遭到来自北欧的央格鲁人,撒克逊人和朱特人的侵扰,经历了一段日趋混沦的时期。
    The final Roman withdrawal in 408 followed a period of increasing disorder during which the island began to be raided by Angles, Saxons and Jutes northern Europe.

2. 已有的研究表第四军医大学硕士学位论文明,当大脑出现癫痈病变时,部分神经元出现过度重复放电有可能使其脑电时间序列处于较低维混沦运动状态。
    It is reported that the time series of cerebral electric activity may be low dimension chaotic behavior because of some neurons excess and repeat firing when epilepsy outbreaks.