

添麻烦[tiān má fan]



添麻烦 汉英大词典

添麻烦[tiān má fan]


添麻烦 网络解释

1. incommode:incommode 使感不便 | incommode 添麻烦 | incommodious 偏促的

添麻烦 双语例句

1. 添麻烦的解释

1. 很抱歉再次给您添麻烦
    I`m sorry to b, other you again.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 我不想给人家添麻烦
    I don`t want to cause any trou**e.

3. 添麻烦在线翻译

3. 老先生本想跟我一起去,不过我说不,我自己可以骑马去,不用给他添麻烦了。
    The old gentleman was for going along with me, but I said no, I could drive the horse myself, and I druther he wouldn't take no trouble about me.

4. 添麻烦在线翻译

4. 我只好麻烦你为我寄这封信。我希望我们没有给你添麻烦
    I have to put you to the trouble of sending this letter for me.

5. 添麻烦的反义词

5. 况且反正我不想求艾加帮忙,说不定还会给他添麻烦
    And anyway I don't want to beg for Edgar's help, or make trouble for him.

6. 不,原因很简单,我不想给地球添麻烦,它已经超负荷了。
    No, for the simple reason that I don't want to burden this earth.

7. 顺便说一句,既然你打算去请医先,那就请你顺路把律师也请来,好吗?——我实在不愿再给你添麻烦,不过我忽然想起,去医生家要路过律师家门口。
    And, by the way—while you are about it—I HATE to give you additional trouble, but I happen to remember that you will pass the door—would you mind at the same time asking the lawyer to step up?

8. 你跟你儿子可以走了,巴太太很抱歉给你添麻烦
    You and your son can go now, Mrs. Parr. I'm sorry for the trouble.

9. 在这里,你肯定是受欢迎的,你嗓门越大,你越添麻烦,你要的好东西越多,你就越受欢迎。
    You are sure you are welcome; the more noise you make, the more trouble you give, the more good things you call for, the welcomer you are.

10. 因为我不想给你添麻烦好不好?
    Because I don't want to put you out, all right?

11. 添麻烦的近义词

11. 对不起,给你添麻烦了。
      I`m sorry to have troubled you.

12. 如果柯 南在的话,为了不给她添麻烦,他也许早就跑去开门了。
      If Conan-kun had been there, he probably would have gone to answer the door if for no other reason than to save her the trouble.

13. 这样的客户只给我们审计队的工作添麻烦
      This only adds trouble to our work as an audit team.

14. 不好意思,给你添麻烦了。
      F Sorry, I got you introuble.

15. 谢谢,给你添麻烦了,等你的好消息。
      Thank you for the trouble. I`ll be waiting for your good news.

16. 帮助我为你添麻烦了,你的心真好。
      You`re very kind to take the trouble to help me.

17. 我要是能解决,就不来给你添麻烦了。
      I'll not give you any trouble if I can help it.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

18. 走开,别再给我添麻烦了。
      Leave me alone and stop buggering me about.

19. 添麻烦的解释

19. 很抱歉,给您添麻烦了。
      I'm sorry to bother you.

20. 很抱歉给您添麻烦了。
      I am very sorry to have bothered you.