

Very poor;
清贫如洗 双语例句

1. 清贫如洗的反义词

1. 传说中的九皇子能毅然抛弃那荣华富贵的宫廷生活来到这漓江边上甘愿与自己相恋的人过清贫如洗的生活,这也充分体现了人们对那当朝权贵的嘲讽和对美好人生的期盼。
    Legend of the nine princes can resolutely cast aside the court life of wealth and status that come to the edge of the Lijiang River in love with their own people who are willing to over the lives of the poor, such as washing, which fully demonstrates that when people move to the upper class of sarcasm and a better expectation of life.