

Game world;
游戏人世 双语例句


1. 公园,影戏院,游戏场,馆子里面的来客个个都是眉花眼笑的,最少也装出那么样子,墓地,法庭,医院,药店的主顾全是眉头皱了几十纹的,这两下都未免太单调了,使我们感到人世的平庸无味。
    In the park, cinema, pleasure ground, or restaurant, customers invariably come along with a happy face, while in the graveyard, court, hospital, or pharmacy, people all wear a frowning face; the two pictures are of nothing other than monotony, making us feel but the boredom and insipidity of this world.

2. 其实我是个最喜欢在十丈红尘里奔走道路的人。我现在每天在路上的时间差不多总在两点钟以上,这是已经有好几月了,我却一点也不生厌,天天走上电车,老是好像开始蜜月旅行一样。电车上和道路上的人们彼此多半是不相识的,所以大家都不大拿出假面孔来,比不得讲堂里,宴会上,衙门里的人们那样彼此拼命地一味敷衍。公园,影戏院,游戏场,馆子里面的来客个个都是眉花眼笑的,最少也装出那么样子,墓地,法庭,医院,药店的主顾全是眉头皱了几十纹的,这两下都未免太单调了,使我们感到人世的平庸无味。
    Rather than the affected manners they endeavor to assume in schools, parties, and offices, than the broad smile they make or at least fake in parks, theatres, amusement parks and teahouses, and than the deep wrinkles they furrow in graveyards, courts, hospitals as well as drugstores, mortals oft simply show who they really are when in a trolley and on the pavement, which is attributed to the prevailing absence of their familiarity with each other; in relation to the former--their monotonous looks on earth are nothing but flashy things--the latter exhibits a multiplicity of looks and if in the trolley you observe them carefully enough, merely for half an hour, eyelids hauled up, you can at length read on their faces all kinds of sensations and moods a mortal may have.

3. 电车上和道路上的人们彼此多半是不相识的,所以大家都不大拿出假面孔来,比不得讲堂里,宴会上,衙门里的人们那样彼此拼命地一味敷衍。公园,影戏院,游戏场,馆子里面的来客个个都是眉花眼笑的,最少也装出那么样子,墓地,法庭,医院,药店的主顾全是眉头皱了几十纹的,这两下都未免太单调了,使我们感到人世的平庸无味。
    Rather than the affected manners they endeavor to assume in school, parties, and offices, than the broad smile they make or at least fake in parks, theatres, amusement parks and teahouses, than the deep wrinkles they furrow in graveyards, courts, hospitals and drugstores, mortals oft simply show who they really are when in a trolley and on the pavement, which is partly attributed to the absence of familiarity between each other; in relation to the former--the monotonous looks on the earth are nothing but flashy things--the latter exhibits a multiplicity of looks and if in the trolley you observe them carefully enough, merely for half an hour, eyelids hauled up, you can at length read on their faces various sensations and moods.