


词典have a walk leisurely游散。

游散 双语例句

1. 游散是什么意思

1. 从现在开始做起——今天,当你发现你的思维游散到了它处,当下就把它拉回来并要求上帝帮助你稳定下来,就在当下。
    Practice being in the present – Today, whenever you find your mind drifting to another place, bring it back to the present, and ask God to help you stay in the present.

2. 游散的解释

2. 交变电位差的测量可能受到游散电流的影响。
    The measurement of alternating potential difference may be perturbed by stray current.

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3. 地电场的存在已经是公认的事实,在地表岩石圈中的地电场包括大地电场、自然电场和极化电场,在矿山开采中还包括工业游散电场。
    Adsorption and seepage characteristics of coal to methane under electric field have been studied.

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4. 这些游散电流的频率(50~60H2及其谐波)通常比IP频率域法中用的频率要高。
    These stray currents usually have a higher frequency (50-60H2 harmonics) than those used in the IP frequency technique.

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5. 巨挚成立于06年,是由在京供职各大it企业的开发人员自发组建的,其目的是:聚社会游散的开发精英,为有项目找不到人才的企事业提供便捷的服务!
    Great engine was founded in 2006, is in Beijing to serve all the major developers of business it spontaneously formed with the aim of: San-tour of the development of the social elite for the project can not find qualified personnel to provide convenient services to enterprises and institutions!

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6. 出于游散的生活本质,位面商人常常四处旅行,买卖着他们的货物。
    Nomadic by nature, mercanes travel widely, buying and selling their wares.

7. 实践证明交流地电阻率方法,不仅能够提高观测精度,而且大大地克服了工业游散电流干扰,提高了监测效果。
    The practice has proved that the alternative resistivity method not only increases the observing accuracy, but also overcomes the industrial current interference, and improves the observed effects.

8. 分析其干扰源,主要为:矿山采矿设备的日常工作,矿集区内的无线通讯设施,居民区游散电流,输电线,道路交通等。
    Daily work of mining equipment, wireless communication, neighborhood stray current, power lines and traffic in the ore concentration area are the main noise source.

9. 虽然从历史的观点上来说,有一个可辨别的犹太法律缺口在主权国的犹太人和离散犹太人(在以色列胜利后游散的犹太人)之间,但是在后来面一部分旧圣经中的法律事件的精神与犹太法典的极为接近。这部法典是游散的犹太人法律的最初版本
    Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.

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10. 温润的阳光透过那道白色窗纱,轻柔地洒在书桌上,漫过主人彻底放松的躯体,凝成几缕诗意的文字四处游散
    The smooth sunlight shines on the desk through the white curtain softly across the relax body, then spreads among the space with few wisps of poetry.

11. 工业游散电流、金属接地体、地下埋设的金属管道是地电观测的主要干扰源。
      Industrious free electric current, mental pipes under ground and other mental objects are main interface sources.