

游民[yóu mín]








游民 汉英大词典

游民[yóu mín]


vagrant; vagabond:



游民 网络解释

1. vagrant:罪犯的脸上被烫上其所犯罪行的第一个字母:谋杀犯(murderer)的脸上被烫上一个M;盗窃犯(thief)的脸上被烫上一个T;游民(vagrant)的脸上被烫上一个V;等等.

2. homeless people:以前看到街上游民 (Homeless People) 在街头乞讨时总是避开远远的,甚至绕道而行,为了是怕惹上麻烦,心理上总是怕怕的,但这次的短宣彻底地改变了我的观念和态度,不但和他们交谈发单张,为他们祷告,和他们握手,甚至和他们拥抱.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Runamuck:Runabout 浪客 | Runamuck 游民 | Sixshot 六面兽

4. 游民的反义词

4. vagabond:vacuum response 真空反应 | vagabond 游民 | vagabondage 流浪

游民 双语例句

1. 游民在线翻译

1. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
    He is the justice of the peace that jug me for a vagrant.

2. 游民什么意思

2. 这是一部讲述一男一女之间发生的一系列惊险有趣故事的电影,只是与众不同的是他们都是无业游民
    This is between a man and a woman about a series of adventure stories of the film interesting, but unique is that they are vagrant.

3. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
    He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant.

4. 游民在线翻译

4. 无业游民的粗野无礼既不会使他感到难堪,王公贵人的繁文缛节也不会叫他感到拘束。
    He is not embarrassed by the sans-gne of the hobo, nor put out of countenance by the etiquette of the prince

5. 游民的解释

5. 无业游民的粗野无礼既不会使他感到难堪,王公贵人的繁文缛节也不会叫他感到拘束。
    He is not embarrassed by the sans-gêne of the hobo, nor put out of countenance by the etiquette of the prince.

6. 游民

6. 最后,我开始去画我的游民了。
    Finally, I started to paint my nomad.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 事实上,你不是修理师,也不是变革者,你是一名前银行家,在做了一段时期的无业游民之后,正在寻找一份新工作。
    In fact, you aren't a fixer or transformer, you're a former banker who, after a period as a layabout, is now looking for a job.

8. 游民是什么意思

8. 一包包的大米一箱箱的食物,里面有咖啡,奶粉,茶和药品,全部都是要送给游民的,不过这次还多了一样东西,一本书,带来和平与教化人心。
    Bag after bag of rice, crate after crate of food, within is coffee, milk powder, tea, and medicine.

9. 我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民
    I could've been somebody. instead of a bum. which is what I am.

10. 有过这种行为的我们,可以从我在世界游民那里了解到的两点中得到安慰。
    Those of us who have done that can take comfort from two things I learned from the cosmopolitan nomads.

11. 因此,姚莹采取恩威并施、剿抚兼用的手段,一方面严加追缉盗匪,并以重典严惩犯案人员;另一方面,提出其精辟的政策—联庄收养游民,使无业皆成有业,化匪为良,从根本面来解决社会问题,故在对内社会秩序的安定及对外的防守上,成效斐然;同时不忘文教对於人心风俗的影响,奖励学风、提振士习,并以身作则破除迷信,以期化民成俗,提升整体社会风气。
      On the one hand, he clamped down on banditry and punished the culprits; on the other hand, he put forth an insightful policy of uniting villages and caring for vagrants, a strategy that made vagrants employed and bandits virtuous; he got to the root of the social problems, achieving the desired result of enhancing public security and defense.

12. 噢!世上微渺的游民啊,在我的字句里留下你们的足迹吧。
      O troupe of vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.

13. 游民的翻译

13. 2噢!世上微渺的游民啊,在我的字句里留下你们的足迹吧。
      O!Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave you footprints in my world.

14. 2噢!世上微渺的游民啊,在我的字句里留下你们的足迹吧。
      O Trouple of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.

15. 两年多来,科克兰市市长及其夫人定期到帐棚城市为游民添饭菜;穿起香积围裙,他们觉得可以这样付出,让他们深感骄傲。
      For two years now Kirkland's Mayor and his wife have regularly come to Tent City to help provide food. Wearing the Tzu Chi apron, they are proud of the confidence this program instills. Mayor, James L. Lauinger

16. 他们是无业游民中的圣战者。
      They are the lumpen jihadists.

17. 游民的翻译

17. 没有你,我还是无业游民呢。
      Thank you for giving me such a great job.

18. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

18. 我当时在台湾有工作,也不打算当个无业游民
      Citizen. I have a job in Taiwan, and I do not plan to be homeless.

19. 游民的近义词

19. 他与无业游民没有什么两样。
      He is no better than a bum.

20. 我是无业游民
      B:I'm unemployed.