

游舫[yóu fǎng]


游舫 汉英大词典

游舫[yóu fǎng]


游舫 双语例句

1. 人们计较着乘费,游舫老板一贯的嘻皮笑脸始终未少收分厘。
    People care about the ride fee, You-Fang boss faces the usual hippie sub-PCT has no revenue.

2. 是那个不小心的游客还是白天去了又回的游舫
    Is that the tourists are not careful, or during the day she returned to the tour went to Fang?

3. 当游舫归,游人去。
    When the tour-fang go, visitors to go.

4. 只言游舫浑如画,身在画中原不知。
    They are in perfect harmony and more beautiful than a picture.

5. 游舫是什么意思

5. 妹妹喜欢坐游舫绕着西湖观光游玩。
    My sister likes to go sight-seeing in a pleasure boat around the West Lake.

6. 游舫带起浪花起航,把静默的湖水打乱。
    Yu-fang with a spray from sail to disrupt the quiet lake.

7. 游舫的解释

7. 平淡无奇的水波荡漾着市侩的尖牙利齿,游舫乘满了人。
    Prosaic water waves waves the philistine's canine sharp teeth, You-Fang by jammed with people.

8. 奥图成了在贾霸的风帆游舫上端送饮料的侍者。
    Artoo served as a waiter, distributing drinks aboard Jabba's sail barge.