1. 溜溜的近义词
1. 一对黑黑的眉毛,下面是一双黑溜溜的大眼睛,炯炯有神,时而发出狡黠的光芒。
She has a pair of black eyebrows. Following it is a pair of big eyes, which is HeiLiuLiu and jiongjiongweishen, sometimes shine a cunning.
2. 溜溜在线翻译
2. 当他通过游戏运营商找回密码后,却发现自己的游戏角色浑身光溜溜的,所有的装备和游戏币都已不见踪影。
After he looks for a password through game operation business, the game part that discovers oneself however all over of naked, all equipment and play money already disappeared.
3. 走了一天路,我的腿肚子酸溜溜的。
My legs ached after I'd been walking all day.
4. 溜溜
4. 道路因油而滑溜溜的。
The road s were slick with oil.
5. 黑夜来了。路路通又重新回到了辨天区。他在大街上溜溜达达,只见到处是五光十色的灯笼。他欣赏着那些闯江湖艺人的惊人绝技和那些在空地上招徕了许多观众来看望远镜的星象家。
Night came, and Passepartout re-entered the native quarter, where he wandered through the streets, lit by vari-coloured lanterns, looking on at the dancers who were executing skilful steps and boundings, and the astrologers who stood in the open air with their telescopes.
6. 溜溜
6. 两个男孩在玩溜溜球。
Two boys are playing with their yo-yos.
7. 还有 别忘了来拿你们的行星溜溜球
And don't forget to pick up your planetary yo-yos.
8. 溜溜的近义词
8. 早期的溜溜球是由木头、金属甚至是泥土制成,并以颜料装饰。
Early yo-yos were made of wood, metal or even earth and decorated with paints.
9. 溜溜是什么意思
9. 他们正在玩溜溜球。。。
They are playing with their yo-yos.
10. 溜溜的解释
10. 儿子哼哼两声,这耳朵进,那耳朵出,照旧溜溜达达,胡吃闷睡。
Sons Two which enter the ear, that ear out, as usual yo People, Hu eat sleep stuffy.
11. 溜溜
11. 最终,这对闹事的夫妻只得灰溜溜地走了。
In the end, this trouble to the spouses had to walk a crestfallen.
12. 此外,Werrd椒盐脆饼爱溜溜球运动完善乌黑和深红红色电镀吉米红帽与对比的颜色。
Moreover, the Werrd Pretzel Love yo-yo sports a PERFECT jet black and crimson red anodize with contrasting Jimmy Hat colors.
13. 溜溜的意思
13. 他的黑眼睛滴溜溜乱转;注视他太长时间会令人眼花缭乱。
His dark eyes were in constant motion; it was dizzying to watch him for too long.
14. danci.911cha.com
14. 他是一个眼睛滴溜溜乱转,道德水准和一条野狗差不多的鳏夫。
He is a widower with a roving eye and the morals of a stray dog.
15. 当他在它以他的手指拨开的时候,它在线上使滴溜溜地旋转而且拧。
It twirled and twisted on the string while he poked at it with his finger.
16. 溜溜的意思
16. 眼睛滴溜溜地在转,尤其在听说谷歌只是个庞大市场上相对较小的玩家。
Eyes are rolling, especially in reaction to the idea that Google is a relatively small player in a giant market.
17. 她看在而且上面从被拿著在他的手中线看见使滴溜溜地旋转--解寄生。
She looked up and saw twirling from a string held in his hand --mistletoe.
18. 我喜欢和堂弟一起下棋和玩溜溜球。
I like and cousin playing chess and playing with yo-yo.
19. danci.911cha.com
19. 过去,我的资金总是上上下下,像溜溜球一样。
Back in those days my equity used to swing up and down like a yo-yo.
20. 美中不足的是,一双没穿袜子的光脚穿上了一双新皮鞋,滑溜溜的有点不得劲的样子。
Of a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing is, a pair of smooth feet that did not wear a sock put on a pair of new leather shoes, have the look of bit of awkward greasily.