





滞涩 双语例句

1. 不像很多外国同行都,然而,美国的反应堆是老龄化和越来越滞涩
    Unlike many of their foreign counterparts, however, U. S. reactors are graying and getting creaky.

2. 他的喉头呼噜呼噜响,一口紧似一口地倒气,一阵痛苦的喘息之后,他微微睁开滞涩的双眼,浑浊的目光示意侍奉在身旁的宠臣隆科多取来暗藏密诏的金匣子,从枕下摸出钥匙,递给隆科多,指着金匣子,断断续续地对隆科多说:朕……怕是不行了,日后……爱卿……要着意辅佐……新君,掌握……祖宗留下的……社稷。
    His throat呼噜呼噜ring, an inverted紧似to a gas, a painful breathing, his eyes slightly open滞涩turbid eyes indicate the宠臣serve in the next fetch隆科多gold hidden密诏box, from the suboccipital find the key to the隆科多, pointing to gold box, and off to the隆科多said: I am afraid of is the point of death …… the future …………爱卿effort to assist the new …… Jun, master ancestors left behind ………… state.

3. 滞涩

3. 但是在与前得分王老科的对位中,仍然显得有些滞涩。。
    Against one former scoring champ, however, he has still looked a bit out of his league at times.

4. 滞涩的近义词

4. 一般人的经历都比较单纯,很难找到可以值得大说特说的事情;还有一些人考虑到对面试结构的影响问题,心里压力造成了自我介绍的苍白、滞涩
    In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 在使用上曾出现不够理想的地方,例如起步和低速行驶时会感到有种CVT独特的滞涩不圆滑的感觉,在紧急停车后再起步时,偶尔会发生低速无法起步的现象。
    Have arisen in the use of the less than ideal, for example, started moving and low-speed CVT will be kind of unique Zhise do not feel sleek, in an emergency start at the park and, occasionally unable to start a low-speed phenomenon.

6. 滞涩是什么意思

6. 在使用上曾出现不够理想的地方,例如起步和低速行驶时会感到有种CVT独特的滞涩不圆滑的感觉,在紧急停车后再起步时,偶尔会发生低速无法起步的现象。
    Have arisen in the use of the less than ideal, for example, started moving and low-speed CVT will be kind of unique Zhise not sleek feel, in an emergency start at the park and, occasionally unable to start a low-speed phenomenon.

7. 用力可稍重,但又不要压得太重,因如果压得太重,会使动作滞涩,甚至擦破皮肤。
    The operation can be a bit heavier but not too heavy. Otherwise, it will be diffcult to operate smoothly, and the skin may be damaged.

8. 对于165F、170F等型柴油机配用的单体泵而言,还常发生一种特殊的油量调节臂卡滞现象:将柱塞插入已装入泵体的柱塞套内并旋转试验,转动十分灵活,但将调节臂及滚轮体总成完全装复后,拔动调节臂却滞涩异常。
    For the 165F, 170F, such as diesel engine with pump in terms of monomer used, but also often a special kind of fuel adjustment arm card hysteresis phenomenon: the plunger has been inserted into the pump body and rotating the plunger kit test, rotation very flexible, but will adjust body boom and wheel assembly after the resumption of fully loaded, pulling arm is moving滞涩abnormal regulation.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 橱柜中抽屉下的滑轮则推拉无声,推拉时手感顺骨,无滞涩感。
    The pulley below the drawer in ambry criterion push-pull is breathed, the feel when push-pull arranges bone, without sluggish acerbity feeling.

10. 如血气虚少、肝肾亏虚、寒邪凝滞、气滞血淤,导致经行滞涩不畅、不通则痛也。
    Qi less blood, kidney and liver insufficiency, Cold staging, gas stagnation blood stasis caused by the circulation of fluid line, General Clauses pain.