



词典full sail满帆。


词典full spread满帆。


词典in full sail全部张帆地,全力以赴地。

满帆 网络解释

1. 满帆的翻译

1. in full sail:to lie to 逆风几乎不能前进 | in full sail 满帆 | to land 抵岸

2. full sail:full rudder 满舵 | full sail 满帆 | full scale clearance 全部清除

3. 满帆的意思

3. full spread:full speed 全速 | full spread 满帆 | full steerability antenna 全向可控天线

4. 满帆在线翻译

4. PS--Plain Sail:Prize--指俘获的船 | PS--Plain Sail,满帆 | Rigging--帆具

满帆 双语例句

1. 一艘张满帆的轮船正在向北行驶。
    A ship in full sail is sailing north.

2. 满帆什么意思

2. 该船正满帆而行。
    The ship was in full sail.

3. 他们在顺风比赛,因此都是满帆
    They are racing downwind, so their sails are full.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 有一根羽毛落到了一位商人的船上,船正满帆飞驶而过。
    The swan, in its flight, kissed one of the leaves of the tree.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我已整装待发,渴望的心早已扯满帆,等待着风起。
    Ready am I to go and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.

6. 满帆什么意思

6. 可是,到傍晚时,我改变了航向。我们船向东南偏东驶去,这样船可沿着海岸航行。这时风势极好,海面也平静,我就张满帆让船疾驶。以当时船行速度来看,我估计第二天下午三点钟就能靠岸。那时我已经在萨累以南一百五十英里之外了,远离摩洛哥皇帝的领土,也不在任何国王的领地之内,因为那儿我们根本就看不到人迹。
    But as soon as it grew dusk in the Evening, I chang'd my Course, and steer'd directly South and by East, bending my Course a little toward the East, that I might keep in with the Shoar; and having a fair fresh Gale of Wind, and a smooth quiet Sea, I made such Sail that I believe by the next Day at Three a Clock in the Afternoon, when I first made the Land, I could not be less than 150 Miles South of Sallee; quite beyond the Emperor of Morocco's Dominions, or indeed of any other King thereabouts, for we saw no People.

7. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。
    A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail.

8. 满帆的意思

8. 那只船张满了风帆拼命追赶他们。他们在顺风比赛,因此都是满帆
    The ship put on all sail to make after them. They are racing downwind, so their sails are full.

9. 他是在试试自己的手艺,看能不能刻出一艘扯着满帆的船。不过依我看,他没有多大进展。
    He was trying his hand at a ship under full sail, but he didn't make much headway, I thought.

10. 我们的战船一发现敌舰,就扯满帆全速前进。
    When our ship found the enemy warship, she clapped on every inch of sail.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 劲风满帆劈浪行&全国港口5月份生产态势分析
      An analysis of port production trend in China in May

12. 满帆的近义词

12. 萨拉里诺您的心是跟着您那些扯着满帆的大船在海洋上簸荡着呢;它们就像
      Your mind is tossing on the ocean; There, where your argosies with portly sail, Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood

13. 有一根羽毛落到了一位商人的船上,船正满帆飞驶而过。
      Every one of its feathers shone like gold: one feather drifted down on the great merchant vessel that, with all sail set, was sailing away.