1. 好吧,如果你真的那么在乎不惜撒下漫天大谎,我学就是了
If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay.
2. 漫天大谎的解释
2. 也有些人说这是一个漫天大谎,说克林顿就是在数字上动手脚。
Others say it's a colossal scam and Clinton is just cooking the books.
3. 他会撒漫天大谎了跟你借钱。
He'll try to put the bite on you by telling you a cock and bull story.
4. 漫天大谎什么意思
4. 这是意在掩饰他自己罪行的漫天大谎。
That was a whopping lie aimed at covering up his own misdeeds.
5. 漫天大谎
5. 这简直是漫天大谎。
This is a lie.
6. 当然,我们或许能告诫自己,我们不可能像黄禹锡那样撒下漫天大谎;然而,有谁能够说自己从不说谎,为永远光明正大,从未受自我意识或私心所驱使?
We might tell ourselves that we, of course, would not dream of fabricating the way Dr. Hwang did. And yet, who among us can say he or she never tells a lie, always acts transparently, and is never driven by ego or selfish ambition?