

The body;
潜身 双语例句

1. 潜身在线翻译

1. 汝既为馅谀之人,只可潜身缩首,苟图衣食;安敢在行伍之前,妄称天数耶!
    And your flesh are wanted to eat by all the people!... With despicable, you should find a place with food and drink to hide.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 汝既为谄谀之臣,只可潜身缩首,苟图衣食;安敢在行伍之前,妄称天数耶!
    Your sending fighters into ChanYu for both the princes, only can dive body shrinks, otherwise, the graph and expert, take days before HaoShou ordinary man!!!!!!!!!!!