


词典to realize or understand completely

澈悟 双语例句

1. 澈悟的解释

1. 悟在繁星点缀的星空中,他澈悟了宇宙的究竟之法。佛陀觉悟到,万物原本都是
    All things are originally the same substance, and though everything is separated

2. 最后,他恍然澈悟了道理!
    Finally he was enlightened!

3. 在东方,两千四百年前印度太子悉达多在菩提树下修行,有一天他夜睹明星而开悟在繁星点缀的星空中,他澈悟了宇宙的究竟之法。
    In the East, on a day about 2, 400 years ago, an Indian prince named Siddhārtha sat under the bodhi-tree under the starry sky and completely understood the ultimate law of the cosmos.