1. 他激昂慷慨的演讲,感染了许多人。
His passionate speech influenced many people.
2. 激昂慷慨
2. 来,试一试你们的本领,来一段激昂慷慨的剧词。
Come, give a taste of your quality; come, a passionate speech.
3. 她那举动的激昂慷慨、精神抖擞,她那面容的崇高美丽,使他有点儿迷惘了。
She left him half bewildered by the passionate energy of her manner, and the noble beauty of her face.
4. 别人讲得声嘶力竭,激昂慷慨,她却只是望着他们的脸,看着他们的表情。
When people talked with energy and emphasis she watched their faces and features merely.
5. 至于激昂慷慨的长篇演说和浮夸的讲话,他们是可能乐于同他们的拉丁导师进行任何较量的。
As for rant and rhetoric, they could enter easily into any contest with their Latin preceptor.
6. 激昂慷慨
6. 激昂慷慨的辞令可以使人听了发狂;也可以使人行动起来,连命都不要,就象得了精神分裂症。
Powerful words can drive men to madness. They may inspire them, schizophrenically, to acts of self-sacrifice.
7. 徐渭的诗激昂慷慨,充溢着建功立业的豪情,主要表现在:第一,诗歌构思不拘常规,想象奇特;
These are manifested as the following: First, his poetry is unconventional and full of peculiar imagination.
8. 他难道不记得如果有谁以常人的敬重态度提到华盛顿将军的名字,他就会以激昂慷慨的言辞把人家污蔑为国家的敌人吗?
Does he not re-collect with what marks of indignation any member was stigmatized as an enemy to this country who mentioned with common respect the name of General Washington?