

炙灼 双语例句

1. 炙灼是什么意思

1. 将我如印,在你心里;将我如纹,在你臂上。爱情之决意,哪怕死去,妒意之绝情,哪怕命罹,这炽燥的干柴,已然腾着炙灼的烈焰
    Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

2. 这种暖和是温和的、全面的暖,不像火炉那样只烤一面,还带着逼人的炙灼
    The warm was gentle, and general warm, not like a stove just one side was hot, and burning.

3. 建武十一年,连下三次诏令,规定杀奴婢者不得减罪;炙灼奴婢者依法治罪;免被炙灼的奴婢为庶人;废除奴婢射伤人处极刑的法律。
    Jianwu eleven years, even under the three Dahir, the provisions of slaves are not allowed to kill minus the crime; Sunburn Alexa slaves were crimes according to law; Sunburn sunburn from being slaves to庶人; the abolition of capital punishment Department slaves shot legal person.

4. 炙灼的解释

4. 研究市场变化下的消费者与生产营销商之间的互动关系,以最经济的艺术设计产品来为生产营销商赢得最大利润和提高产品的市场占有率,是任何一个生产营销商的炙灼追求。
    Analyzing the interactions and relations between consumers and the producers under the marketing changes, gaining the most profits and heightening the market possession rate by way of producing goods with " the most economical art design " is a goal for every producer.

5. 研究市场变化下的消费者与生产营销商之间的互动关系,以最经济的艺术设计产品来为生产营销商赢得最大利润和提高产品的市场占有率,是任何一个生产营销商的炙灼追求。
    Analyzing the interactions and relations between consumers and the producers under the marketing changes, gaining the most profits and heightening the market possession rate by way of producing goods with " the most economical art design " is a goal for every producer.