

炸雷[zhà léi]

词典a clap of thunder炸雷。

炸雷 汉英大词典

炸雷[zhà léi]

[方] a clap of thunder

炸雷 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Thundering:28 闪电 / Lightening | 29 炸雷 / Thundering | 30 蜀山遇雨 / Mt. Shushan in Rain

炸雷 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 一个炸雷在很近的地方爆开,机械收割机咯嗒咯嗒地响了起来。
    An explosion of sonic thunder roared so close that the robo-harvester rattled.

2. 炸雷的翻译

2. 开始,我只是被他的歌声和旋律所震动,久废不用的想象力像一只停在枯树上的受伤的鸟儿被炸雷猛然惊起,懵头懵脑地奋力扇动着翅膀,飞到尽其可能飞到的地方。
    At the beginning, I was shocked by his voice and melody, the imagination unused for a long time was shocked just like an injured bird standing on a blasted tree was shocked by a clap of thunder, was in utterly confused and tried its best to flap its wings to fly to place it could get.

3. 这时,一声炸雷把你吓的叫出了声。
    At this time, Zhalei out to scare you call up the sound of.

4. 炸雷的解释

4. 当天窗瞬间变亮时,炸雷也响彻整个房间,接着领事的视网膜上燃烧着残留影像。
    The sound of thunderclaps filled the room as the skylight flashed white, leaving afterimages burning in the Consul's retinas.

5. 我的头顿时像是响了一声炸雷,难道,老人活了??
    My head suddenly like rang ZhaLei, don't, the old man lived?

6. 所有那些你该做而未做的事,仿佛炸雷般在你耳边轰隆而过。
    And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder. Rock me baby, rock me all night long.

7. 炸雷在线翻译

7. 又是一声炸雷
    Then came the loudest crash so far.

8. 炸雷的意思

8. 晚上,大姑姑抱着我和弟弟,我们三个人在一个非常非常小的塑料窝棚下面,点着一盏昏暗的煤油灯,大地在不断的颤抖,倾盆大雨随时都能把窝棚冲走,炸雷和刺眼的闪电电几乎要把一切撕得粉碎。
    At night, elder aunt holded my little brother and me in her arms. Uunder a small plastic shed, there was lighted one caliginous coal oil lamp, it seemed that the heavy rain could sweep the small plastic shed at any moment, almost everything would be rent into pieces by the thunderstorm and lightning.

9. 炸雷

9. 在他们上空,喜好炸雷的宙斯从伊达山上送来一阵疾起的狂风,卷起团团泥沙,扑向海船,以此迷惑阿开亚人的心智,把光荣送给特洛伊人和赫克托耳。受兆示的激励,还有他们的勇力,特洛伊人勇猛冲击,试图捣毁阿开亚人宽厚的墙垣。
    Then Jove the lord of thunder sent the blast of a mighty wind from the mountains of Ida, that bore the dust down towards the ships; he thus lulled the Achaeans into security, and gave victory to Hector and to the Trojans, who, trusting to their own might and to the signs he had shown them, essayed to break through the great wall of the Achaeans.

10. 他宣布辞职好似晴天炸雷一般。
    He unleashed a thunderbolt by announcinghis resignation.