


词典philosopher's stone(空想的)点金石;哲理。

词典philosophers' stone点金石,仙石。

点金石 网络解释

1. philosophers' stone:philosopher 哲学家 | philosophers' stone 点金石 | philosophic 哲学的

点金石 双语例句

1. 点金石

1. 如果你懂得节省你转来的钱,你就好比是有了一块点金石
    If you know to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone.

2. 点金石的反义词

2. 如果你知道怎样才能赚得多,花得小,那么,你就有了点金石
    If you know how to spend less than you get. you have the Philosophers-Stone.

3. 点金石的近义词

3. 满足是点金石,能把所碰到的任何东西变得有价值。
    Content is the Philosopher's Stone, that turns all it touchesinto Gold.

4. 爱情是美德的点金石
    Love is the touchstone of virtue.

5. 点金石

5. 在《圣名的点金石》中说道,漫不经心的念诵会带来另外的10个冒犯。
    In Hari-nama-cintamani it is said that inattentive chanting leads to all the other of the ten offenses.

6. 点金石是什么意思

6. 而荷米恩有比点金石更使她关注的事要做。
    Hermione, however, had more on her mind than the Sorcerer's Stone.

7. 点金石的翻译

7. 一个流浪的疯子在寻找点金石。他褐黄的头发乱蓬蓬地蒙着尘土,身体瘦得像个影子。他双唇紧闭,就像他的紧闭的心门。他的烧红的眼睛就像萤火虫的灯亮在寻找他的爱侣。
    A wandering madman was seeking the touchstone, with matted locks, tawny and dust-laden, and body worn to a shadow, his lips tight-pressed, like the shut-up doors of his heart, his burning eyes like the lamp of a glow-worm seeking its mate.

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8. 疯人褐色的头发蓬乱纠结,粘满泥土,他仍然在孤寂的海岸上游荡,搜寻着他的点金石
    Even so on the lonely shore the madman with dusty tawny locks still roamed in search of the touchstone.

9. 点金石(旧时炼金术士认为能使金属变成黄金的物质)。
    Philosopher's stone (it was formerly believed by alchemists, would change any metal into gold)

10. 点金石的反义词

10. 他形成了一个很强的习惯把捡起的每一块鹅卵石扔进大海,以至于当他捡起他一直想要的点金石也扔进了大海。
    He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble into the sea that when the one he wanted came along he stil threw it away.

11. 拾起小石去碰碰那条链子,然后不看看变化与否,又把它扔掉,这已成了习惯;就是这样,这疯子找到了又失掉了那块点金石
      It had grown into a habit, to pick up pebbles and touch the chain, and to throw them away without looking to see if a change had come; thus the madman found and lost the touchstone.

12. 点金石的反义词

12. 炼金术士到处寻找点金石,据说那是能把贱金属变成金银的东西。
      Alchemists searched for the Philosophers'Stone, which was supposed to be capable of turning base metals into gold or silver.