

炼石补天[liàn shí bǔ tiān]


炼石补天 双语例句

1. 女娲炼石补天,精卫鸟噙石填海,石里崩出美猴王,石头幻化成贾宝玉……一系列的神话传说为世人所熟知,对当时的文学及艺术产生了积极影响。
    Whatever traditional architecture of antiquity china or upholster nowadays, a stone could make different effects. One felicity design and a smart use in reason could make third-class materials rich and colorful.

2. 我们为了一时的利益在大气电离层上捅了漏子,科学技术发展到哪一天才可以炼石补天,将它恢复到原来的样子呢?
    For the benefit of one time, we have a hole in the ionosphere, what kind of scientific development would be necessary to make something to mend this hole and restore it to the original?

3. 炼石补天

3. 他和他的妻子兼妹妹用泥捏成一个个人,炼石补天,治洪水和杀野兽。
    His wife and sister created human beings out of clay, smelt rocks to patch up the sky, controlled floods and killed wild beasts.

4. 综合各种根据,我们似乎可以有充分的理由向世人宣布:竹山是最有可能的女娲炼石补天处,竹山应该成为女娲文化的重要发源地和中心之一!
    Based on sufficient evidence, we declare to the world: Zhushan is the most credible place where Nuwa refined colorful stones to mend sky, and Zhushan is one of original centers of Nuwa culture.

5. 炼石补天

5. 侯村女娲陵寝是炼石补天的伟大祖先女娲最后长眠的地方。
    Hou Wacun nv cemetery is the great Sky-Hole Patching Lianshi Nuwa ancestors final resting place.

6. 炼石补天是什么意思

6. 围绕着伏羲开天辟地、创造八卦、女娲炼石补天等传说展开。
    A virus deal clinched in Russia on the Christmas eve.

7. 炼石补天

7. 其文化英雄神格则主要是通过女娲炼石补天和置神禖两方面,深入阐释石头作为构成女娲神话的主要因子,其中所蕴藏的深厚原始灵石崇拜文化。
    Then as for her god dignity ofhuman cultural hero, I, by analyzing the myth of mending the sky by stone-melting and theestablishment of marrige institution, further explain the culture of adoring the living stone inthe stone, which is the main ingredient in the myth of Nu Wa.