

烟云过眼[yān yún guò yǎn]

词典as smoke and clouds passing the eyes -- passing events and things

词典as transient as a fleeting cloud过眼烟云;烟云过眼。


词典like floating smoke and passing clouds过眼烟云;烟云过眼。

烟云过眼 汉英大词典

烟云过眼[yān yún guò yǎn]


as smoke and clouds passing the eyes -- passing events and things; as transient as a fleeting cloud; like floating smoke and passing clouds

烟云过眼 双语例句

1. 而人生长着百年,短则数十寒暑,又有何值得耀武扬威的,不过是烟云过眼矣?
    The growth of people for centuries, while dozens of short years, what should be around, but the clouds have eyes say?