



烦恼魔 双语例句

1. 注:三个魔王是 kilesamara「烦恼魔」、maranamara「死魔」、与 devaputtamara「天子魔」。
    Free from craving, his task finished and is awakened - him do I call a Brahmin.

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2. 他如牛王般无畏、圣洁、勇猛,是增上戒定慧的寻求者,是战胜三魔王烦恼魔,死魔,天子魔)的胜利者,无欲无烦恼、觉证四圣谛,我称此人为婆罗门。
    He, the Noble, the Excellent, the Heroic, the Great Sage, the Conqueror, the Passionless, the Pure, the Enlightened one — him do I call a holy man.

3. 佛经中讲:修亥母法可除烦恼、所知二障,启发具生智,调气,脉和明点,证无死虹身,降伏魔仇,摄十法界,为解脱生死之不二法门。
    Vajravahari Ombadzar vairatsani ye harinisa hum hum phad so ha In cultivating the Dharm of Vajravahari one could eliminate distresses troubles and the sufferings of life and death.

4. 住於观照不净法的人,防护六根,知足於食,充满信心与精进力,他肯定不会被魔王击败,如狂风摇不动岩岳一般。(注:在此魔王是指烦恼魔。信心是指对佛法僧不动摇的信心,以及对业报的信心。
    The one, who does not live contemplating pleasant things, who is well restrained in senses, Who does know moderation in food, who is trusting and firm in effort, Mara will not overcome him, as wind a rocky mountain.