

Burn residue;
烧残 双语例句

1. 农民已经收割完毕,正在地里烧残茬。
    Now that they have gathered in the crops, the farmers are burning off the stubble in the fields.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 一段汉译英,高手进,急用,谢八指头陀,因曾于阿育王寺烧残二指,并剜肉燃灯供佛而得名。
    Eight, because once in means dhuta 1700-year-old asoka temple, and burn the stationary pluck meat offering randeng from the poem.

3. 这灵魂用它烧残的翅膀发狂地向光芒四射的大门飞去。
    It would fly wildly with the stumps of its burned wings towards that radiant portal.