





烧痕 双语例句

1. 烧痕

1. 然后你注意到小小的地毯烧痕,我的胃在下沉,我的肠子在疼痛。
    Then you notice little carpet burn, my stomach drop and my guts churn.

2. 烧痕是什么意思

2. 修复家具或皮革上的烧痕,清除木地板上的旧涂层和污斑。
    Repair burn marks on wood or leather. Remove old finishes from antiques and stains from wood floors.

3. 操作人员寻找极细的焊桥、裂缝及烧痕
    The operator should be looking for hairline solder bridges, hairline cracks, and also burnt marks.

4. Ex1:在右股上前部有一度烧痕
    There was a first-degree burn over the upper anterior portion of the right thihg.

5. 玛丽终日在烟熏火燎中搅拌着锅里的矿渣,她衣裙上、双手上,留下了酸碱的点点烧痕
    Mary火燎smoke all day long in stirring the pot in the slag, on her dress, hands on, leaving the base of the little burn marks.

6. 烧痕

6. 唐、五代越窑青釉秘色瓷梨形瓶简介:高16.5厘米,釉色青绿沉静,小口外撇,细颈如梨形鼓腹,器施满釉,瓶底见五枚长条状支钉痕,支烧痕的露胎外可见青灰白色,胎质细腻,胎壁较薄,表面光泽,细密裂纹处隐现青灰质,釉质腴润光亮,半透明,釉层薄而匀,以青为主。
    Tang, the Five Dynasties roughly secret color green glazed porcelain bottles of pear Profile: 16.5 centimeters high, dark green color of the glaze, quiet, small extraoral write, NECKING as pear Gufu, for Shi-glazing, see the end of the bottle five strip supported nail marks, and supporting the open burning tire marks can be seen outside the Green gray and white, The aggravation delicate, thinner tire wall, the surface gloss, more cracks have surfaced Green gray, the sweet-Run bright enamel, translucent, thin glaze and rice, with mainly.

7. 但是你禁不住感受到,它们上面都找不到划痕和烧痕,完全看不出是用过的。
    Yet you can't help but feel they lack the scratches and burn marks that mean they are actually used.