


词典sell like hot cakes热销。

热销 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. sell like hot cakes:sell for a song 以极低的价钱出售 | sell like hot cakes 热销 | sell off 廉价出清

2. Go Like Hot Cakes:Give Somebody His Head 由某人自作主张 | Go Great Guns 全力以赴 | Go Like Hot Cakes 热销

3. selling like hot cakes:it's raining cats and dogs----下起倾盆大雨 | selling like hot cakes; ----热销 | this is not my cup of tea;---不是我喜欢的

4. sell like hot cake:stand tall充满信心 | sell like hot cake热销 | domestic products are selt like hot cake国货热销(哦,这个我喜欢)