

Dryness of spleen and stomach;
燥脾胃 双语例句

1. 综合而言,中医认为蜂蜜具有:补脾肾、润肠、润肺、解毒、杀菌防腐等功效,主治脾胃虚弱、病后体虚、肠燥便秘、口干咽燥、干咳无痰、脘腹疼痛、解乌头中毒等。
    All in one, herbalist doctor thinks honey has the following functions: nourish spleen and kidney; smooth intestines; moisten lungs; relieve toxin and kill bacterium.

2. 中医认为血热风燥、脾胃湿热、肝肾不足为其主要病因。
    The Traditional Chinese Medicine considers its etiology as blood heat, heat-wet in spleen and stomach, the deficiency of kidney and liver.