




爱沙尼亚人 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Esthonian:Esthonia 爱沙尼亚 | Esthonian 爱沙尼亚人 | estimable 可尊敬的

2. Estonian:Washingtonian 华盛顿市(或州)人 | Estonian爱沙尼亚人 | Newtonian 信奉牛顿学说的人

3. 爱沙尼亚人的反义词

3. estono:eskadrono 骑兵中队(连),骑兵连 | estono 爱沙尼亚人 | faetono 轻便无蓬四轮马车

爱沙尼亚人 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 若是欧盟顺应了爱沙尼亚人的心愿,又将这样的立陶宛置于何地?
    Outsiders face a tricky judgment. Losing one Baltic state might count as an accident.

2. 这连结贴出是为得到爱沙尼亚人的有料翻译和研究帮助。
    This is being posted in the hope of getting some translation and research-help from Estonians.

3. 爱沙尼亚人的翻译

3. 和许多爱沙尼亚人类似,他沉默寡言而且谦逊有礼。
    And like many Estonians, he is reticent and modest.

4. 一个超好的爱沙尼亚人把车停下来,问我是不是需要帮忙?因为他看到我在看地图。
    A very nice Estonian stopped his car, wave at me, ask me if I need help because he saw me reading a map.

5. 爱沙尼亚人是什么意思

5. 爱沙尼亚人总是在海上漂泊。
    The Estonians have always been seafarers.

6. 爱沙尼亚人什么意思

6. 爱沙尼亚人向当地的收成和雷神进贡。
    Estonians made offerings to local fertility and thunder gods.

7. 几乎70%是由本土说爱沙尼亚语的爱沙尼亚人,剩下的30%中大部分是来自前苏联各个盟国的第一第二代移民,主要是俄罗斯人。
    Indigenous estonian-speaking ethnic Estonians constitute nearly 70% of the population and the majority of the remaining 30% are mostly first and second generation immigrants from various parts of the former Soviet Union, mainly Russia.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 因为工作的原因,我认识了很多爱沙尼亚人,也有了比大多数中国人更深入了解这个国家的机会。
    One popular Chinese movie, " Cell phone ", also chooses Estonia as the best destination for its hero in the end. Meanwhile, " Estonia " is mentioned many times during the whole movie.

9. 给了儿子媳妇东西没有?爱沙尼亚人最会背媳妇
    Did they give their son and daughter-in-law anything? Estonians Unstoppable In Wife-carrying Championships

10. 悍妇,鬼婆被认为刻薄和恶毒的妇人爱沙尼亚人最会背媳妇
    A woman regarded as scolding and vicious. Estonians Unstoppable In Wife-carrying Championships

11. 爱沙尼亚人在线翻译

11. 几乎70%是由本土说爱沙尼亚语的爱沙尼亚人,剩下的30%中大部分是来自前苏联各个盟国的第一第二代移民,主要是俄罗斯人。
      Indigenous estonian-speaking ethnic Estonians constitute nearly 70 % of the population and the majority of the remaining 30 % are mostly first and second generation immigrants from various parts of the former Soviet Union, mainly Russia.

12. 因为工作的原因,我认识了很多爱沙尼亚人,也有了比大多数中国人更深入了解这个国家的机会。
      One popular Chinese movie," Cell phone ", also chooses Estonia as the best destination for its hero in the end. Meanwhile," Estonia " is mentioned many times during the whole movie.