1. 爱琴文化的反义词
1. aegean civilization:众所周知,古希腊和古罗马也是文明古国,其历史可以上溯到公元前30-5世纪,古希腊在公元前30-20世纪称为爱琴文化(Aegean civilization)时期,在公元前753年古罗马进入王政时代(period of Rex in Rome),建成奴隶制大国,此时正是我国春秋(公元前770-476年)时期,
1. 属于或关于史前爱琴文化的,或有其特点的。
Of or relating to or characteristic of the prehistoric Aegean civilization.
2. 爱琴文化在线翻译
2. 克里特岛是古代爱琴文化发源地。
Crete Island is the cradleland of the ancient Aegean culture.
3. 欧洲本土的上古文化存在于公元前12世纪以前,史称克里特-迈锡尼文化,又称爱琴文化。
Europe, the ancient native cultures before the 12th century BC, known as the Crete - Mycenaean culture, also known as the Aegean culture.
4. 小笼包,起源于嘉定区南翔镇的一种点心,同中国传奇女英雄木兰和最古老的预言系统--爱琴文化一样,在明年可能会被加入中国非物质文化遗产名单。
Xiaolongbao, a snack that originated in Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, together with Mulan, a legendary Chinese Joan of Arc figure, and I Ching culture, the oldest Chinese system of divination, will probably be added to the list of China's Intangible Cultural Heritage next year.
5. 爱琴文化的意思
5. 可以到克里特岛和伯罗奔尼撒半岛考察爱琴文化;也可以到阿提卡半岛、雅典、斯巴达考察古化城邦文化,追亿逝去的繁华;也可以去首都雅典观看巴特农神庙和守护神雅典娜的纯金塑像,而要了解拜占庭文化则最好去马其顿地区和塞萨洛尼基。
Can go to the island of Crete and the Peloponnese peninsula, Aegean culture study; can also go to Attica Peninsula, Athens, Sparta, visit the ancient city of culture, passing up the downtown billion; also can go to watch the capital of Athens Parthenon Temple of Athena and the gold statue of the patron saint, and to the best understanding of Byzantine culture to Macedonia and Thessaloniki.
6. 它起源于爱琴海文化,其发展历程被史学家们分成了四个时代
It originated in the Aegean civilization and its historical development have been divided into four age by historians.
7. 克里特岛是古代爱琴海文化的发源地。
Chris island is the cradle of ancient Aegean civilization.
8. 爱琴文化
8. 随着古希腊和中东的文化,土地周围的海面,成为网站的各种不同的文明和文化的爱琴海岛屿成为确定与希腊。
With the rise of the ancient Greek and Middle Eastern cultures, the lands surrounding the sea became the sites of widely differing civilizations, and the culture of the Aegean islands became identified with that of Greece.
9. 可以到克里特岛和伯罗奔尼撒半岛考察爱琴文化;
Can go to the island of Crete and the Peloponnese peninsula, Aegean culture study;
10. 爱琴文化的意思
10. 西方文化发源于爱琴海地区。
Western culture has its root in the area of the Aegean Sea.