

父执[fù zhí]



父执 双语例句

1. 但今天廿来岁的年轻人和他们父执辈没有什么太大的不同。
    Still, today's twentysomethings aren't all that different from their parents.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 不论是父执辈、弟兄或是朋友们,大家都热烈地讨论。
    Fathers, uncles, brothers, and friends were animated in lively discussion.

3. 资讯时代改变了一切,现在连一般外行人都必须要会使用复杂程度远高於我们父执辈那个年代的科技。
    The information age changed everything, and we now expect amateurs to manage technology far more complex than our parents ever faced.

4. 父执的意思

4. 当李健吾对二三十年代的中国现实主流游离不定而找不到实际归宿之时,1931年,他靠着父执辈和亲朋好友的帮忙得以成功出国。
    The second part, the need to create the right image and importance.

5. 然而,眷村父执辈们曾经历的家国破碎、身世飘零却转化为沉郁难遣的乡愁,延伸到眷村子女的身上。
    These painful experiences were transformed into deep-seated nostalgia of the second military dependants.

6. 父执的意思

6. 当李健吾对二三十年代的中国现实主流游离不定而找不到实际归宿之时,1931年,他靠着父执辈和亲朋好友的帮忙得以成功出国。
    Chapter two, analyzes the status of custom in France、Germany、Switzerland、Taiwan and Common Law counties with comparative method.