

爹娘[diē niáng]


爹娘 双语例句

1. 豆:当然了,这是你爹娘的家,也是你的家
    Doug: sure, this is your parent`s home.

2. 爹娘

2. 这是你爹娘的墓室?
    Is here the grave of you parents?

3. 爹娘

3. 她的爹娘希望送子娘娘以为这户人家已有两个女儿,会心生同情并尽快赐给他们一个儿子。
    Her parents hoped that the goddess of birth, hearing that this family already had two daughters, might feel sorry for them and send them a son as soon as possible.

4. 那美丽的金发碧眼小女儿,她微笑的此刻将成为灿烂的时时刻刻,颊上的桃红永远不会褪色,她不会起皱不会疲惫不会受伤害,不会忘父母所教,明父母所昧,她不会懂得邪恶,不会向父母说不爱,不会想着海天离别家园,不会不像现在这样亲近爹娘
    The beautiful young daughter with blue eyes and blond hair will never stop smiling the smile she smiles now, will never lose this soft pink glow on her cheeks, will never grow wrinkled or tired, will never get injured, will never unlearn what her parents have taught her, will never think thoughts that her parents don't know, will never know evil, will never tell her parents that she does not love them, will never leave her room with the view of the ocean, will never stop touching her parents as she does now.

5. 爹娘什么意思

5. 王家的里外亲戚,人口不旺,正人也不多,,爹娘下世后,大半就断绝了来往,小半的偶有走动,也下眼看天狗不是个能成的人物,情意上也淡的如水。
    The house of Wang was not exactly overflowing with issue and although there were a few relatives about, direct descendants were scarce.

6. 爹娘的反义词

6. 灵:飞。天。凤!还我爹娘命来!!
    Ling: Fei. Tien. Feng! Eat my revenge!!

7. 好象是~~2年前吧,张老实跟他爹妈原来在一个小镇上做大橱,后来恶霸抢地盘时把他爹娘打死了,多亏展昭救了他还让包拯给他申了冤抱了仇。
    Thanks to Zhao ZHan helped him, and let Monsignor Bao revenged his wrong. Zhao Zhan did not put this thing in the heart, but later when he go to the street, he often met with Veracity Zhang.

8. 是胃疼,说吧什麼事?天池闷了半天说,对不起,他只是想起堂叔和堂婶还有他死去的爹娘
    Ah Tian let me wait and wait then said sorry, I just think back my parents that past away and uncle and auntie...

9. 博:你说的是,让孩子生活在一个无忧无虑的世界,应该是爹娘的责任
    It`s parents` responsibility to make their children living in a placid world without fear.

10. 爹娘的翻译

10. 每日清晨一柱香,谢天谢地谢三光。惟求处处田禾熟,但愿人人寿命长。国有忠臣扶社稷,家无逆子恼爹娘。四方平定干戈息,我纵贫时也不妨。愿世界和平,四境祥和。
    Local influenza activity was reported by the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and one state.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. Chrous 我知道你一直都辛苦为我默默地付出就算流泪也不承认你哭我是身在福中不知福所以我用尽我的全部来告诉你我没有认输还有什么可以给你我的爹娘我的父母还有什么可以给你我的爹娘我的父母这首歌词的英文翻译当时电影频道播的时候有英文字幕的啊很急啊谢谢
      Chrous I know that you have been hard for me quietly pay Even if the tears do not admit that you are in tears I was fortunate I do not know Fuk Therefore, I exhausted my all to tell you I did not admit defeat What else can I give you my parents Dieniang What else can I give you my parents Dieniang

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 她黑里透红的小脸蛋和浓密的卷发使她显得活泼快乐,看上去与一个刚死了爹娘,身上还穿孝服的孩子应该有的表情很不相称。
      Her dusky red cheek and tight curls gave her an air of gaiety that seemed unsuitable in a child who should still have been in black for her parents.

13. 爹娘

13. 没爹娘的罗拉·马丁连着三天像小狗似的跟在她后面。
      For three days before, little Laura Martin, the orphan, followed her about like a little dog.

14. 这时天上太阳正好,乞丐把身上棉衣揭开晒太阳,一边晒一边嘴里念叨着:“天当被,地当床,太阳月亮我爹娘。”
      When the sun is heaven, a beggar on the cotton-padded clothes opened in the sun, sun side side saying: " day mouth when, as a bed, the sun and moon. "

15. 爹娘是什么意思

15. 希望你深居简出,远离是非,这才是你爹娘。。。。
      You to keep low profile and away from the trouble.

16. 看看,我爹娘住上了新房子,我们倒住得像贫民窟。
      She began to work in a noshery. My parents lived well, but we lived in a bustee.

17. 爹娘什么意思

17. 我不需要一个男人要我记住他爹娘还有兄弟姐妹还有外甥们的生日,还要买圣诞礼物给他们!
      I dont need a man who needs me to remember the birthdays of his parents, siblings, and nieces and to buy their Christmas presents.

18. 这时天上太阳正好,乞丐把身上棉衣揭开晒太阳,一边晒一边嘴里念叨着:“天当被,地当床,太阳月亮我爹娘。”
      When the sun is heaven, a beggar on the cotton-padded clothes opened in the sun, sun side side saying: " day mouth when, as a bed, the sun and moon. "

19. 我的家在东北松花江上,那里有我的同胞,还有那衰老的爹娘
      My family in the Northeast Songhua River, there has my compatriot, but also has that senile parents.