物换星移[wù huàn xīng yí]
词典Things change:物换星移。
词典stars move.:物换星移。
词典change of the seasons:星移物换;星移斗换;物换星移。
词典Things change with the passing of years.:星移物换;物换星移。
物换星移[wù huàn xīng yí]
Things change; stars move.; change of the seasons; Things change with the passing of years.; Things [The aspects of things] have changed.
1. 然而,物换星移,情随事迁,各代文人的审美主张在经历着变迁及传承与发展,山水画同样也不例外。
However, times change, feelings change with the things to move, all on behalf of the literati aesthetic advocated undergoing change and heritage and development of the same landscape is no exception.
2. 在我需要的时候她总会出现如同守护天使即使黑夜我依然看见她的身影陪伴我身边赐予我生命的女人说我是上天所赐是她生命所需而她是我心之所寄物换星移,始终不渝现在我终于明白为何父亲如此着迷这赐予我生命的女人母亲节的礼物把,恩,还是和老妈做朋友把,总是她主动和我吵的
And she's there when I need her My guardian angel.
3. 我想就在那物换星移后童年的村庄。
I think there is a village after
4. 物换星移,我会永远守着你
Times flies, You'll always have me
5. 物换星移的反义词
5. 虽然沧海桑田,物换星移,但书籍永远是新的。
Although the vibrant developments in mind, but the books will always be new.
6. 物换星移,我会永远守着你
7. 物换星移的反义词
7. 物换星移,不会为我们停留,唯有你我的爱情,永藏在心的深处,祝你生日快乐!
Mind, not for us to stay, only you my love, forever hidden depths of heart, I wish you a happy birthday!
8. 物换星移的解释
8. subprime贷款用来很难得,但物换星移在90年代。
Subprime loans used to be very difficult to get, but things changed in the 1990`s.
9. 物换星移在线翻译
9. 物换星移,我会永远守著你
Times flies, but you'll always have me
10. 二十年弹指一瞬间;二十年春花秋实;二十年物换星移。
Fillip moment two decades; two decades Qiushi Chunhua; two decades in mind.
11. 人世沧桑,物换星移,逝去的是时光,变化的是心境。
Vicissitudes world, the time and the time elapsed, the mood is changing.
12. 物换星移
12. 闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋。(王勃《滕王阁诗》)
Calm clouds, reflected in pools day after day, | but things change, stars move & how many autumns gone by?
13. 物换星移的翻译
13. 这样的一种爱情,不论物换星移,时光流逝,它都可以在桑田的巨变中用不褪色。
Such a love, regardless of developments in mind, or the passage of time, it doesn't fade in large changes.
14. 物换星移
14. 物换星移,我会永远守着你。
Time flies, but you'll always have me.
15. 悉尼大学:著名。物换星移,大学校。心智相通。
University of Sydney: Although the stars are changed, our spirit is same.
16. 物换星移,时过境迁,言犹在耳。
Mind, passage of time, still ringing in our ears.
17. 物换星移
17. 自从你数年前离开后,这个小镇已物换星移。
Things have changed in this small town since you left years ago.
18. 物换星移五春秋&中国入世五周年回眸
Focusing on the Fifth Anniversary of China's Accession to the WTO