

牲口棚[shēng kou péng]




词典stock barn牲口棚。

词典livestock shed牲口棚。

牲口棚 汉英大词典

牲口棚[shēng kou péng]

stock barn; livestock shed; stable

牲口棚 网络解释

1. barn:不远的房子是个牲口棚(barn),里面有个母牛抱怨奶油制造机坏了,好象少了个零件,没法做出奶油来. 猫不会修机器,让电流小子在草堆里找找也没发现什么,还是干点别的吧. 这里有桶肥料,或许用的上,拿出我们的奖品--破酒杯来,

2. stall n:spell v. 招致,带来 | stall n. 牲口棚 | attic n. 顶楼

3. shed:302. 单间马房:stall; box | 303. 牲口棚:shed | 304. 草荐:litter

4. livestockshed:livestockreservoir 饮畜池 | livestockshed 牲口棚 | livestockspray 家畜喷雾消毒剂

牲口棚 双语例句

1. 我在去牲口棚的途中碰到了''。
    Before I got there, I met Dean, my landlord.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 是否有照顾牲口棚和牧场所需的东西?
    Do you have the things you need to take care of bars barns and pasture land lands?

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 我需要有人帮我清扫牲口棚
    I need some help in cleaning out the animal shelter.

4. 牲口棚什么意思

4. 一天,邻居打电话给正在上班的米歇尔,说她的牲口棚着火了。
    One day a neighbor phoned her at work to tell her that her barn was on fire.

5. 牲口棚

5. 他们的祖父是一位移民美国的农场工人,他凭借自己的双手,从只能住牲口棚到拥有自己的家庭。
    Thomas Pontes thought his children, 12, 14 and 16, shrugged off tales of his grandfather, an immigrant farmhand who worked his way up from living in a barn to owning a home.

6. 牲口棚的解释

6. 他发觉自己被推到牲口棚后面,还在往前推。
    He found himself being pushed behind the barn and beyond it.

7. 牲口棚

7. 雨打在牲口棚的屋顶上,滴滴嗒嗒地从屋檐上落下来。
    Rain fell on the roof of the barn and dripped steadily from the eaves.

8. 牲口棚在线翻译

8. 目前,只不过是一块混凝土板和一些木头檩子。不过等建好了,这个牲口棚则最多可收容6头牛和几头羊在里面过冬。
    Right now it's little more than a concrete slab and some wooden beams, but when it's finished, the barn will provide winter shelter for up to six cows and a few head of sheep.

9. 目前,只不过是一块混凝土板和一些木头檩子。不过等建好了,这个牲口棚则最多可收容6头牛和几头羊在里面过冬。
    Right now it's little more than a concrete slab and some wooden beam s, but when it's finished, the barn will provide winter shelter for up to six cows and a few head of sheep.

10. 然而,令他惊奇的是,他发现所有的干草垛已经盖好了防水油布,牛在牲口棚里面,小鸡在鸡笼里,门闩好了,百叶窗也关紧了,一切都栓牢了,什么东西都刮不走了。
    To hisamazement, he discovered that all of the haystacks had been coveredwith tarpaulins. The cows were in the barn, the chickens were inthe coops, and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightlysecured. Everything was tied down. Nothing could blowaway.

11. 雨打在牲口棚的院子里,沿着弯弯曲曲的航道流进蓟藜丛生的小路上。
      Rain fell in the barnyard and ran in crooked courses down into the lane where thistles and pigweed grew.

12. 一天下午,麦克听见大门外车道上传来了孩子们的声音,便挪身靠近牲口棚的窗子,嘶叫起来。
      One afternoon when Mac heard the children coming up the driveway, he went to the window by his stall and whinnied.

13. 牲口棚

13. 我很快就会用样品来处理我的牲口棚里的害虫。
      I will be using the sample soon to get rid of pests in my barn.

14. 新生的小羊羔栖居的牲口棚应当有很好的防风措施。
      A barn where newborn lambs are housed should be well protected from the wind.

15. 我能忍受腐烂食物发出的臭气,可你的牲口棚臭味更甚。
      I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very.

16. 牲口棚的翻译

16. 我们去牲口棚取来一盏聚光灯。
      We went to the barn and got a floodlight.

17. 黄昏来临了。我们到附近的河边散步,看到旄牛、群和猪在暮色中自己回到牲口棚
      Walking by the nearby river we watched yaks, sheep and pigs heading home on their own as dusk approached.

18. 牲口棚什么意思

18. 传来古旧港口的味道,犹如一座牲口棚
      Archaic smell of dockland, like a stable

19. 我很年轻,可是,在这个牲口棚里,却一个真正的朋友都没有。
      I'm very young, I have no real friend here in the barn, it's going to rain all morning and all afternoon, and Fern won't come in such bad weather.

20. 牲口棚

20. 就是这样的一个牲口棚,燕子喜欢在里头搭窝,孩子们喜欢在里头玩耍。
      It was the kind of barn that children like to play in.