







特典 网络解释

1. 特典的近义词

1. sdfsa:赠品: sdafsad | 特典: sdfsa | 贩卖: fasdf

2. Sister Princess Premium Movie DVD - SP2:Sentimental Graffiti - 青澀之戀 | Sister Princess Premium Movie DVD - SP2特典DVD | Sister Princess TV - 妹妹公主TV

特典 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 这周的JUMP特典的消息在JUMP上发布了。
    Jump Festa was announced in this week's issue of Jump.

2. 特典的意思

2. 根据dvd的特典印刷册来确认,该魔法有另外两种不同的额外变体,但是在漫画中没有确实的被提出来。
    Two additional variants are recognized in the DVD booklets, but not explicitly named in the anime dialogue.

3. 你刚进去的时候,他们会把你带到一个巨大的展厅,在这个展厅里就是等那些限定版的特典礼物。
    When you first go in, they direct you into a massive hall that's solely for waiting to get the exlusive Festa goods.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 所有的备战都很艰苦,但是在米兰更多的是针对各人的训练,这让球员可以最大程度发挥自己的特典
    All preparations are tough but I'd say at Milan there is a more personalised work which allows every player to exploit the characteristics of every player to the fullest.

5. 蓝色的是Message2.5特典
    Blue color one is Message2.5 documentary disc.

6. 我只知道日本的一些网站。比如HOBBYLINK JAPAN有不少,包括这些T恤什么的,比如我在特典上拿到的这件。
    I only know Japanese sites mostly, but HobbyLink Japan has a lot, including Cospa shirts, like the one I got, that were at JumpFesta.

7. UMP特典很有趣但是人太多,而且要排队排很久,这些都很烦燥的。所以我只能把注意力都放在OP上。
    Umpfesta is fun but the crowds and endless lines are incredibly annoying, so I only have energy to concentrate on OP.

8. 1E19 特典工具有限公司是棘轮扳手制造厂,熟悉每个制作过程,从设计图稿到包装出货,除了生产各式各样的专业用棘轮扳手,同时也研发其他产品,如扭力扳手和扭力试验机……等等。
    William Tools is specialized in manufacturing a great variety of high-class, high performance and special ratchet handles. And we're also developing other products, such as Torque Wrench, Torque Equipments and so forth.