

状纸[zhuàng zhǐ]



词典written complaint[法] 起诉令,书状起诉;状纸。

状纸 汉英大词典

状纸[zhuàng zhǐ]


written complaint; plaint

状纸 双语例句

1. 状纸的翻译

1. 王鲁愈看愈害怕,都忘状纸要怎么批,居然在状纸上写下了八个大字:「汝虽打草,吾已蛇惊。
    By the time he finished it, he was sweating all over, and paralyzed with fright in his chair.

2. 否则,要费的公文状纸就太多了。
    Otherwise there would be no end to litigation.

3. 王鲁一看,状纸上所写的各种罪状,和他自己平日的违法行为一模一样。
    One day, the people of Dang-tu County got together and wrote up a complaint against Wang Lu's subordiante.

4. 状纸的解释

4. 这是因为打折增加了纸的支撑力;另外一个原因是摩擦力,没有折过的纸很平滑,无法扣住两个圆筒表面,波浪状纸则恰巧相反。
    This is because the corrugation strengthens the paper and it's also because of friction. The unfolded paper is smooth and cannot grip the surface of the tubes, whereas the corrugated paper can.

5. 自小即显露天分,曾代人撰写状纸,犹如后世的律师一样。
    His talents were recognized early, and powerful clients engaged him as a speechwriter.

6. 将司法院网页中之状纸范例列为研究范围及知识管理的对象,希望藉由此系统简单的问答输入方式,比对资料库中的规则设定自动产生一个符合个案的客制化范例司法状纸
    We analyze the complaints of Judicial Yuan web site as the scope and as the goal of knowledge management, we hope from the simple questions and answers as the inputs, mapping from the rule based of database, automated generation a customize complaints.

7. 由于宋唐氏同情这个妇人(宋唐氏将其和其新产的婴儿一并带回家中),宋世杰重操讼笔,写状纸将此案送至扬州知府顾读。
    Due to his wife`s sypathy for the woman (whom his wife brought home, together with the woman`s newborn baby), Shijie picksup the pen again and writes the plaint and brings the case before the Yangzhou prefectural judge, Gu Du.

8. 状纸

8. 另外一个原因是摩擦力,没有折过的纸很平滑,无法扣住两个圆筒表面,波浪状纸则恰巧相反。
    The unfolded paper is smooth and cannot grip the surface of the tubes, whereas the corrugated paper can.

9. 在清代各地的官方状纸上,都附有统一印制的告状不准的相关事项,即通称的“状式条例,”以此对书状的有关内容等方面予以规范。
    There were unified regulations on what were not allowed in prosecution attached to condescendence in Qing Dynasty, namely, condescendence rules, which would regulate relative content.