


词典even甚至; 即使;更加;恰巧在…时候。

犹自 双语例句

1. 我引以自傲的是,祖国源远流长,迄今犹自欣欣向荣的文明。
    I am proud of the deep and continuous developing civilization of my mother country.

2. 犹自的意思

2. 之敏犹自想着,突然想到,他昨天掉下来的时候好像受了伤。
    It is quick to still think, suddenly thought of, he yesterday drop down of the time seemed to get hurt.

3. 她挣扎着起了床,犹自睡眼惺松。
    She dragged herself out of bed, still half asleep.

4. 那男子虽被制服,犹自不停地挣扎。
    Although the man had been subdued, he continued to twist and struggle.

5. 只有珍妮,犹自抱著火把,站在那里垂首沉思,看样子是陷入了长考。
    Only Jenny, torch in hand, remained standing there, her head bowed in thought.

6. 犹自在线翻译

6. 穿出小区,经过斜巷,大街犹自很安静,城市贪这份清凉温柔,都在好睡。
    We would walk across the block and through the narrow alley to the street that was still quiet.

7. 春天必然会是这样:满塘叶黯花残的枯梗抵死枯守一截老棍,北地里千宅万户的屋梁受尽风侵雪扰犹自温柔地抱一团小小的空虚的燕巢。
    In a pond, an aged stem are defended by dried-up branches with dim leaves and withered flowers; a roof beam in the north, attacked and disturbed by wind and snow, maternally holds a small empty swallow nest.

8. 阿特金森夫人犹自笑容可掬。
    Lady Atkinson continued smiling.

9. 夏日最后的玫瑰,入秋犹自红。
    The last rose of summer, left blooming alone;

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10. 只得强忍住,不由得怪嗔了他一眼,他也犹自不介意。
    Have to strong endure, not from got strange Chen his one eye, he also still doesn't mind.