

犹言 双语例句

1. 犹言

1. z1。犹言重金悬赏,重金购求。
    A heavy blow; a sharp thud.

2. 犹言

2. 犹言以上,上述。我明天晚上来。
    I'll come round tomorrow evening.

3. 犹言

3. 面颊之上。2。犹言面子上。
    Grief was mapped on his face.

4. 犹言在线翻译

4. 这里犹言如干面包片一般无从期待)通常,在恋爱冒险游戏里,我通常会比较喜欢那种迷人的神秘女孩,然而这次我却对诗音没什么感觉,感到很难融入她的故事。
    Normally I tend to like the alluring mysterious girl in love adventures, but I just wasn't feeling Shion and couldn't get into her storyline at all.