



词典a dog trying to catch mice—too meddlesome

狗拿耗子 网络解释

1. poke one's nose into other people's business:狗急跳墙 despair gives courage to a coward | 狗拿耗子 poke one's nose into other people's business | 狗屁不通 mere trash, nonsense

2. 狗拿耗子的反义词

2. duo guan xian shi:狗拿耗子--duo guan xian shi | 懒婆娘的裹脚布--you chou you chang | 泥菩萨过河--zi shen nan bao

3. mouse-catcher dog:痛打落水狗 beat the drowning dogs | 狗拿耗子 mouse-catcher dog | 人模狗样 as proud as a dog

狗拿耗子 双语例句

1. 现在狗再也不能在桌子上吃饭了,每天吃些残汤剩饭,还被人嘲笑狗拿耗子,多管闲事。
    The now dog can not have a meal on the table anymore, everyday eat some remnants soup leftover rice, return was sneer at by the person the dog take a mouse, busybodies.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 你再一次狗拿耗子多管闲事了。
    Once again you've arrived at the apparently foreign destination of none of your damn business.

3. 建议三:QQ医生检测系统漏洞,狗拿耗子,建议取消
    Proposal 3: Flaw of Doctor QQ testing system, the dog takes mouse, suggest to cancel

4. 帖主对此回复很满意,所以奖励 15 积分给狗拿耗子我对那些8-10岁的小家伙们怀有极大的同情心,这个年龄正是开始接受生活知识时候,也会时常觉得那些约数自己的条条框框是多么的荒诞和不公。
    I have a good deal of sympathy for the little people during their first eight or ten years, when they are just beginning to learn life's lessons, and when the laws which govern them must often seem so strange and unjust.

5. 狗拿耗子的解释

5. 里德是行业中德高望重的前辈,交通部反对他的理由仅仅是认为他可能对外国企业心存感激,现在看来这是十足的狗拿耗子
    The dot's objection to Mr reid, a respected veteran in the industry, because he might be beholden to foreign interests looks particularly meddlesome.