



狠揍 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 我要饲逮注浙个流氓,溉狠狠揍他一顿不可!
    If I ever catch the rascal I'll really wallop him!

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 那个人应当被人狠狠揍一顿。
    That man deserves to be well licked.

3. 投标者们不想让他们继续干下去,但是沃纳不得不做出力挺他选择的官员的姿态——同时也发出这样一条信息,那就是不论谁反对他或者他的人,都会被狠狠揍一顿。
    The voters didn`t want them but Warner had to be seen to back his chosen officials – and send the message that anybody who opposed him or his placemen would get whacked.

4. 狠揍

4. 他站稳了往下看,只见一头食人魔正在用一根树干一样粗的木棍狠揍左边的墙根。
    He steadied himself and looked down to see one of the ogres pummeling away at the base of the buttress to his left with a tree trunk-sized club.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 如果他抓住你,他会狠揍你的。
    If he catches you, he'll let you have it

6. 狠揍

6. 当我说他们他们不听,甚至对我表现出不尊重不礼貌时,我觉得真是他们好没良心,真想狠骂或狠揍他们,可我常常尽力地克制,尽量地把自己冷静下来,表现出极大的耐心和容忍,和又有什么办法呢?
    And even worse, they behave rudely to me, so I feel how unconscionable and heartless they are. Sometimes, I want to ruthlessly curse or beat them. But I always try to exercise restraint, try to make myself calm down, and show great patience and tolerance, and so what?

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 虽然全身还在为刚才的狠揍打着摆子。
    I looked around, gasping, my heart still racing.

8. 戴夫和索拉克斯为此狠狠揍了他一顿,但巴克自知罪责难逃,从此加倍小心。
    Both Dave and Sol-leks gave him a good beating for that mistake. Buck understood, and was more careful after that.

9. 剩下就就是直接用MS/WW把他们狠揍一顿,或者在被飓风吹起的时候喝杯茶,或者咖啡。
    With your priest free to manaburn the druid in the meantime, the rest should be straighforward MS/WW bashing and getting your coffee/tea while cyclone-locked.

10. 如果你不按照我说的干,我就狠揍你。
    I`ll clobber you if you don`t do what you`re told.

11. 今天我狠狠揍了几个小家伙
      I beat the shit out of some kids today.

12. 数百万人都跃跃欲试地想把他狠狠揍一顿。
      Millions of people are ready to tear him limb from limb.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. 当我知道的时候,我狠狠揍了他。
      When I found out, I kicked him so hard

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 你想要我狠狠揍你一顿吗?
      Do you want me to beat the living daylingts out of you?

15. 但弗朗索瓦斯看到了这一幕,他狠狠揍了斯皮兹一顿。
      But Francois saw this, and gave Spitz a ter-rible beating for it.

16. 狠揍什么意思

16. 如果我们领先了,我们就要狠揍他们
      If we get a big lead, we gotta pummel these guys

17. “我觉得我们应该进去把他们狠揍一顿。”——“那对我们有个屁用。”
      'I think we should go in and hammer them.'—'And a fat lot of good that would do us.'

18. 狠揍的翻译

18. 如果再让我抓着你偷橙子,我将狠揍你一顿。
      If I catch you in stealing the orange again, I'll give you a basting.

19. 该死的,我真该狠狠揍他一顿。
      Goddamn it, I should have beaten it out of him.

20. 要是不把说你的话收回,我就要狠狠揍你。
      If you don't take back what you said about me, I'm going to knock your head off.