

独树一帜[dú shù yí zhì]

词典fly one's own colours -- become an independent school独树一帜。

词典create a separate school独树一帜。

词典develop a school of one's own独树一帜。

词典establish a separate sect in religious faith独树一帜。

独树一帜 汉英大词典

独树一帜[dú shù yí zhì]

(比喻自成一家) fly one's own colours -- become an independent school; create a separate school; develop a school of one's own; establish a separate sect in religious faith; have a style of one's own; not a follower of others; set [hoist] one's own banner; strike

独树一帜 网络解释

1. develop a school of one's own:独具匠心show originality | 独树一帜develop a school of one's own | 独一无二in a class by oneself

2. Nothing in Common:- 1986 - The Money Pit - 钱之坑 | - 1986 - Nothing in Common - 独树一帜 | - 1985 - The Man with One Red Shoe - 红鞋男子

3. unique, unparalleled:繁荣 Prosperous, thriving, flourishing, rich, affluent | 独树一帜unique, unparalleled | 优势advantage, superiority

4. deelop a school of one's own:独具匠心show originality | 独树一帜deelop a school of one's own | 独一无二in a class by oneself