

狼狈不堪[láng bèi bù kān]

词典be thrown into a panic乱了手脚;慌了手脚;狼狈不堪;着慌。

词典be all in a fluster张皇失措;狼狈不堪。


词典be hard-pressed狼狈不堪。

词典be in an awkward predicament狼狈不堪。

词典like a drowned mouse狼狈不堪。

狼狈不堪 汉英大词典

狼狈不堪[láng bèi bù kān]


be thrown into a panic; be all in a fluster; be hard-pressed; be in an awkward predicament; be in an extremely awkward position; be in a hard-pressed condition; be in a quandary; be in a sorry [wretched] plight; be in sore straits; be placed in an extremel

狼狈不堪 网络解释

1. like a drowned mouse:like a cork 轻松地 | like a drowned mouse 狼狈不堪 | like a drowned rat 象落汤鸡

2. nonplus: v:avert: v.避免;避开 | nonplus: v.使窘困,狼狈不堪;n.迷惑,困境 | caustic: adj.腐蚀性的;刻薄的

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Perplex:216Moroii莫洛伊RAV | 217Perplex狼狈不堪RAV | 218Phytohydra繁生多头龙RAV

4. in dire straits:runs a lot 善于奔跑 | in dire straits 狼狈不堪 | never-say-die 血气方刚

狼狈不堪 双语例句

1. 狼狈不堪的意思

1. 这种战术打得敌人狼狈不堪
    Such tactics developed a messy military situation.

2. 伞兵在拉开伞索时而伞却没有打开,就会狼狈不堪
    Parachutists are upset when they pull the ripcord and it comes out.

3. 李冬俊的助手师戈由于钱不够而弄得自己狼狈不堪
    Lidong Jun Ge, assistant division at ourselves because not enough money and find any.

4. 至今我仍然可以感觉到当时自己狼狈不堪、心焦如焚的感受。
    I can still feel the burning feeling of being embarrassed.

5. 在他接受德皇勋章发表演讲时突然爆发了暴风雨,他见状狼狈不堪,四处逃窜。
    In his acceptance speech at the Kaiser Medal sudden storm broke out, he rushed out of the find any, on the run.

6. 进了房间,姑娘们还不放过新郎,用锅灰油泥抹在新郎脸上,使新郎狼狈不堪
    Entered the room, girls were also left off and groom, with pot ash sludge put on the groom's face, so that the groom find any.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 不知道什么时候开始,喜欢下雨,喜欢在雨中淋雨,喜欢在淅淅沥沥地雨中,从一段幽径小道上经过,喜欢在滂沱大雨中狼狈不堪而狂奔,喜欢在雨中落泪而分不清是否被人发现,喜欢……雨中勾画出我一幅幅失落的画面,却也给了我一种去面对伤心、烦恼,以致多愁挥化无去地心境!
    Do not know when to start, like rain, like rain in the rain, like rain in the intermittent manner, from a trail through the Youjing like find any in the torrential rain and the mad rush, like tears in the rain, but can not distinguish it was found, love...... the rain, I sketched out the lost pieces of a picture, but it also gave me a sad face, troubles, resulting in non-Duo Chou Hui-oriented frame of mind to go to!

8. 他狼狈不堪,结结巴巴的说了几句,就告辞去了,一时心情恍惚,一本正经,想得出神。
    He stammered confusedly and took himself away, for the moment abstracted, serious, lost in thought

9. 狼狈不堪的意思

9. 他狼狈不堪,结结巴巴的说了几句,就告辞去了,一时心情恍惚,一本正经,想得出神。
    He stammer ed confusedly and took himself away, for the moment abstracted, serious, lost in thought

10. 拿破仑也因一时不慎掉入泥潭中,被弄得满身泥巴,狼狈不堪
    Napoleon also enters lair because of be being dropped carelessly temporarily in, be done to get mud of all over the body, like a drowned mouse.

11. 走,走,走……始于江西于都,终于陕西吴起,每天背着三十公斤重的背包,步行三十多公里——这就是两个英国年轻人李爱德和马普安从二00二年十月十六日至二00三年十一月三日,整整三百八十四天的生存状态,狼狈不堪
      Go, go, go...Only then at Jiangxi at, eventually Shaanxi Wu Qi, carrying 30 kilograms of heavy blanket roll on the back everyday, on foot more than 30 kilometers -- this is two England youth Li Aide and Mapuan come 16 days from 2 years of 002 October 23 years 00 on November 3, full 384 days live condition, like a drowned mouse.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 希律和彼拉多对耶稣都很有兴趣,但也都被耶稣弄得狼狈不堪
      They were both fascinated with and flummoxed by Jesus.

13. 狼狈不堪的反义词

13. 要再这样下去,有一天你会狼狈不堪的。
      If you keep on like that you`ll get yourself into a mess one of these days.

14. 狼狈不堪的解释

14. 我当时的境况狼狈不堪,不知道该怎么办。
      My life was in a real mess and I didn`t know what to do.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 我在那边搞得狼狈不堪,而且遇到的都是从来没有经历过的事。
      I was losing my ass out there, and it was a new experience.

16. 他觉得他生活得狼狈不堪
      He felt that his life was a hopeless mess.

17. 我们浪费掉了太多的青春,那是一段如此自以为是,又如此狼狈不堪的青春岁月。
      We wasted too much of their youth, so it is a self-righteous and true mood of the youth.

18. 转过一个街区,我看到一个晚上营业的便利店的灯光,它还在营业,我买了三听ALPO ,装进我的皮衣里,我浑身湿漉漉地,狼狈不堪,我离开时店员才放松了,我回来骑着那辆旧摩托车,震得洒吧的玻璃直响
      A block away I could see the lights of a late-night convenience store.

19. 狼狈不堪是什么意思

19. 一街之遥,我看到一个深夜营业的便利店的灯光,它还在营业,我买了三听ALPO ,塞进我的皮外套里,我浑身湿漉漉地,狼狈不堪,当我离开时店员才松了口气,我骑着我的那辆旧摩托车返回酒吧时,废排气震得洒吧的玻璃直响
      A block away I could see the lights of a late-night convenience store. It was still open. I bought three cans of Alpo and stuffed them into my leather coat. I was wet and ugly and the clerk looked relieved as I left. The race-type exhausts on my old Harley-Davidson rattled the windows in the bar as I rode back to the bar

20. 我们浪费了太多的青春,那是一段如此自以为是,又如此狼狈不堪的青春岁月,有欢笑,也有泪水,有朝气也有颓废,有甜蜜也有荒唐,有自信也有迷茫。
      We chuck away so much about young. Young Is a self- glorifying and confonded time. it`s a mixture of happiness and sorrow, spark and decadence, sweetness and folly. We are self confident on the hand, and on the other hand we feel at loss.