

猎具[liè jù]

词典hunting equipment猎具。

猎具 汉英大词典

猎具[liè jù]

hunting equipment

猎具 网络解释

1. hunting tackles:狩猎证 hunting licence | 猎具 hunting tackles | 偷猎 poaching

2. Hunting-instrument:猎区 Hunting-ground | 猎具 Hunting-instrument | 狩猎执照 Hunting-license

猎具 双语例句

1. 我这两个女儿更叫人操心,猎具、兽皮和财产倒在其次。
    These two daughters of mine give me more concern than all my traps, and skins, and rights.

2. 猎具的反义词

2. 现在,基地设在弗吉尼亚的一家公司—明星猎具公司推出了一种更安全的方法来捕捉快速逃跑的骗子:发射形状象梭镖的 GPS 自导引装置,并将其粘在逃跑车辆尾部。
    Now the Virginia-based company StarChase has proposed a safer way to catch fast- moving crooks—shoot GPS homing devices like darts and stick them to the back of fleeing vehicles.