

猎兽[liè shòu]



词典beast of chase可猎兽。

猎兽 汉英大词典

猎兽[liè shòu]

beast of chase; venison

猎兽 双语例句

1. 猎场管理员被雇保护和繁殖猎禽和猎兽的人,尤指在庄园内或猎区中
    One who is employed to protect and maintain game birds and animals, especially on an estate or a game preserve.

2. 用篝灯猎兽,用篝灯捕鱼
    To hunt or fish with a jacklight.

3. 猎兽的翻译

3. 该国70%的人反对猎兽活动。
    Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports.

4. 猎兽

4. 虎是捕猎能力非常强的猎兽
    The tiger is a very efficient hunter.

5. 猎兽

5. 猫科动物都是猎兽
    Animals in the cat family are hunters.

6. 因此我们在这里,不是猎兽,我们是在猎定,它更加精细,要求更高的寂止和警醒。
    So here we're not hunting animals, but we're hunting concentration, which is even more subtle and requires even more stillness and alertness.