

猎异[liè yì]


猎异 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 佛经故事遍播民间,成为小说作家征奇猎异的对象。
    The Buddhist stories propagated in the folk, they were the objectives of novel writers for seeking.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 自北宋至乾隆初,官宦、文士寻访者众,但多猎异和赏书者;至乾隆以降,《西狭颂》文本传扬渐为广远,惜文学层面研究欠缺,其文学地位和价值至今鲜有卓识。
    Up to the end of Qianlong emperor, its text had spread far and wide, but little research had been made from the level of literature, especially for its literary status and value.