



猫猴 网络解释

1. colugo:colubrine 蛇的 | colugo 猫猴 | Columba 鸽属

猫猴 双语例句

1. 猫猴的翻译

1. 猫猴和树鼩都具有不同一般的繁殖体系,但是具体的方法也不一样。
    Colugos and tree shrews have unusual reproductive systems, but in very different directions.

2. 不过最近有证据表明,猫猴比那些搞错它名字的人所想象的还要接近于狐猴。
    Recent evidence suggests that they are closer to lemurs than was realised even by those responsible for the misnomer.

3. 在森林的夜幕中,猫猴可以滑翔70多米,而其所处的高度却几乎不变。
    Colugos can glide more than 70 metres through the forest at night, to a distant tree, with little loss of height.

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4. 然后我问他是不是他弄掉的,他哭着说不是,我问他是谁弄得他说是猫猴,就不承认是他弄的,后来我想可能是我抱他是他无意中踢翻的,我就想他是不懂还是在撒谎。
    Then I ask him is pulled off him, and he cried and said it is not, I ask him who he is said to be a cat make a monkey (in peacetime we scare him say the word), not recognized him and later I would like to I might not have him is that he inadvertently踢翻, I wanted to know he is still lying.

5. 菲律宾猫猴Cynocephalus volans和马来西亚猫猴C。
    The two species, Cynocephalus volans the Philippine colugo, and C.

6. 树鼩和猫猴之间、以及这两者与其它哺乳动物之间紧密的联系成了争论的焦点,而且尚无定论。
    The affinities of the tree shrews and the colugos, to each other and to the rest of the mammals, are subject to dispute and uncertainty.

7. 猫猴

7. 一些研究人员甚至认为,猫猴比树鼩更接近于灵长类。
    Some researchers even think the colugos are closer to the primates than the tree shrews are.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 很可能本书也会同病相怜,这不仅仅是因为猫猴和树鼩——跗猴的位置(见第7纪),以及七鳃鳗和八目鳗类鱼的分组(见第22纪)尚不能确定;远古非洲哺乳动物(见第13纪)和腔棘鱼类(见第19纪)的亲缘关系也有待商榷;而我们在刺丝胞动物和栉水母类(见第28纪和第29纪)章节的编排上也许也是一个错误。
    Very possibly the same will happen with this book, and it isn't just the colugos and tree shrews. The position of tarsiers (Rendezvous 7), and the grouping of lampreys with hagfishes (Rendezvous 22) are unsure. The affinities of the afrotheres (Rendezvous 13) and the coelacanths (Rendezvous 19) are still slightly unsure. The ordering of our rendezvous with cnidarians and ctenophores (Rendezvous 28 and 29) could be the wrong way round.

9. 与其它滑翔动物不同的是,猫猴的翼膜覆盖了它的四肢和尾巴,甚至延伸到指尖和脚趾。
    Unlike that of the other gliders, the colugo's patagium embraces the tail as well as the limbs, and it extends right to the tips of the fingers and toes.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 一些科学工作者说,至少三个新的猫猴物种的发现推翻了原本对这种树栖生物的认识。
    The discovery of at least three new species of colugo flies in the face of knowledge about the tree-dwelling creatures, scientists said today.