

Gorgeous trees;
玉树琼枝 双语例句

1. 瑞雪飞扬的冬季,山如冰雕造型,林呈玉树琼枝,十分壮观。
    Blowing snow in winter, ice forms such as the Shan, Lin Chi-king was Yushu, very spectacular.

2. 匆匆地,我游到了东方的春宫,折下玉树琼枝插在我这兰佩上。
    Hastily, I swim to the east erotic, folding under the Yushu Joan sticks inserted in my Lampe on.

3. 玉树琼枝的反义词

3. 春,你虽然没有夏天骄阳似火,热情烂漫;也没有秋天的硕果累累,诗意盎然;也没有冬天的银装素裹,玉树琼枝
    Spring, though you are not in the summer Jiaoyangsihuo, passion and artless; there is no fruitful autumn, poetic; there is no winter, blanketed by trees, Yushu Joan sticks.

4. 玉树琼枝的解释

4. 这里漫雪纷飞,白雪皑皑,似北国天地,林海雪原,到处玉树琼枝,冰瀑垂悬,满山遍野的冰花,随地可见的雪淞,构成金佛山又一冰雪奇景,甚为美丽壮观。
    Everywhere is snow then just like in the north of our country.

5. 玉树琼枝的近义词

5. 喜欢这样的仰望,喜欢看玉树琼枝迎风招展,喜欢听雪花温柔地诉说冬的故事,喜欢沉醉在踏雪的意境里品世间的美好
    Like this look, like to see Yushu Chiung-chih fluttered in the breeze, like to listen snow gently tell the story of the winter, braving the snow and the mood like basking in a beautiful world where goods......

6. 元月10日以来持续的冰雪天气,使世界旅游胜地张家界银装素裹,满山的青松翠柏变成了玉树琼枝
    Since January 10 ice and snow weather continued to make the world a tourist destination Zhangjiajie-wrapped snow, the mountain is covered with green pines into a Calocedrus Yushu Joan sticks.

7. 玉树琼枝的反义词

7. 我爱四季,更爱秋天,虽然秋天不像春天那样万紫千红、百花争艳,不像夏天那样生机盎然、郁郁葱葱,不像冬天那样玉树琼枝、满天飞雪。
    I love the four seasons, but also love the autumn, although the fall did not spring, colorful, flowers are blooming, unlike in the summer, as full of vitality and lush, unlike the winter, as Yushu Joan branches, flying snow.

8. 玉树琼枝在线翻译

8. 三星在户/才子佳人/天作之合/天缘巧合/天赐良缘/五世其昌/凤凰于飞/心心相印/龙腾凤翔/玉树琼枝/乐赋唱随/永结同心/百年好合/百年佳偶/有情眷属/团结友爱/并肩前进/如鼓琴瑟/花开并蒂/花好月圆/志同道合/连理交枝/幸福美满/昌宜五世/佳偶天成/诗咏关雌/诗题红。。。
    Good luck in the year ahead!