

玉莹 双语例句

1. 美院教师项果与恋人沈希伦准备结婚之际,项果的母亲黄静西却意外发现沈希伦的母亲陶玉莹是她一直怀疑与自己丈夫有不正常关系的那个女人,黄静西坚决反对女儿的婚事,项果不顾母亲反对与沈希伦结婚,黄静西愤怒伤心之下与女儿断绝关系。
    When art school teacher Xiang, Guo and her fiance Shen, Xi Lun were preparing their marriage, Xiang`s mother Huang, Jing Xi accidentally found out that Shen`s mother Tao, Yu Ying was the woman whom she had been suspecting of having an affair with her husband. Huang, firmly opposed this marriage, but Xiang still went on married Shen, which resulted in the outrageous mother dissociated their family relationship.

2. 美院教师项果与恋人沈希伦准备结婚之际,项果的母亲黃静西却意外发现沈希伦的母亲陶玉莹是她一直怀疑与自己丈
    When art school teacher Xiang, Guo and her fiancéShen, Xi Lun were preparing their marriage, Xiang`s mother Huang, Jing Xi accidentally found out that Shen`s mother Tao, Yu Ying was the woman whom she had been suspecting of having an affair with her husband.

3. 玉莹

3. 美院教师项果与恋人沈希伦准备结婚之际,项果的母亲黃静西却意外发现沈希伦的母亲陶玉莹是她一直怀疑与自己丈夫有不正常关系的那个女人,黄静西坚决反对女儿的婚事,项果不顾母亲反对与沈希伦结婚,黄静西愤怒伤心之下与女儿断绝关系。
    When art school teacher Xiang, Guo and her fiancéShen, Xi Lun were preparing their marriage, Xiang`s mother Huang, Jing Xi accidentally found out that Shen`s mother Tao, Yu Ying was the woman whom she had been suspecting of having an affair with her husband. Huang, firmly opposed this marriage, but Xiang still went on married Shen, which resulted in the outrageous mother dissociated their family relationship.

4. 大家好!我叫马玉莹
    Good evening, I called Ma Yuying.

5. 玉莹的意思

5. 杨振东;郭玉莹;孙中溪*济南大学化学化工学院,山东济南 250022
    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China

6. 玉莹在线翻译

6. 为你泡一杯茉莉花茶,添加几块亮晶玉莹的冰糖,看小小的花儿娇羞的浮动着,带着缱绻和温柔,羞涩的释放着自己的美丽。
    For you to make a cup of tea, jasmine, add a few pieces of rock YuYing crystal light, small flowers bashful of floating, with a tender and gentle, the release their beauty.

7. 质地与老坑种有相似之处,无色或少色,冰种的特徵是外层表面上光泽很好,半透明至透明,清亮似冰,给人以冰清玉莹的感觉。
    Lo Hang Mei Sik texture with the kinds of similarities, colorless or less colored, ice species is characterized by the outer surface, good luster, translucent to transparent, and brighter Sibing to give people the feeling of Bingqing Yu-ying.