


词典Wang Ji[中医]汪机;[人名]王姬。

王姬 网络解释

1. Ji Wang:简介:剧集分类:生活剧 / 古装剧 / 历史剧 上映年份:2002 出品公司: 主要演员: 蒋恺(蒋恺) 谭非翎(谭非翎) 王姬(Ji Wang) 内容简介: 剧情介绍:本剧以屈原几番使齐,几度重用,几次贬官,最终因国灭而沉江的命运为主线,

2. Jill Wang:江丽霞Lisa Jiang | 王 姬Jill Wang | 蒋大为David Jiang

3. Ji Wang ...... Sufei's Mom:爱万 Ai Wan ....Lisa | 王姬 Ji Wang ....Sufei's Mom | ◎分 级 South Korea:12

4. Ji Wang ....Sufei's M:爱万 Ai Wan ....Lisa | 王姬 Ji Wang ....Sufei's M | ◎分 级 South Korea:12

王姬 双语例句

1. 由于荆轲刺杀始皇失败,当时的燕王——燕国末代国王燕王姬喜便把所有的责任推到燕太子丹身上,导致燕太子丹与燕太子妃以及高月背井离乡,在燕国外过着危险逃亡的生活。
    As the First Emperor Jing Ke failed to assassinate the then-yan WANG - The Last King of Yan Yan Wang Ji-hi pass all the responsibility onto Crown Prince Dan of Yan body, leading to Crown Prince Dan of Yan and Yan Crown Princess, and high on their homes, living abroad in the Yan dangerous fugitive life.

2. 周武王姬发是在中国历史上,第一个被称为天子的人。
    Jifa, king Wu of Zhou Dynasty, was the first person known as the emperor in the history of China.

3. 王姬的反义词

3. 八卦亭位于周祖大殿东南侧,八卦亭的南面为三十八王庙,庙为五间歇山前廊殿,建筑面积174.41平方米,共22个明柱,内有从文王姬昌到赧王姬延共三十八尊塑像和画像,设计典雅,形象逼真。
    Eight Diagrams Pavilion Hall at the southeast Zhou, baguazhang the south pavilion for the Temple 38, Temple Hill for the five intermittentqian lang Dian, construction area of 174.41 square meters, a total of 22 Ming-chu, WANGji chang from within the extension of blushwang ji A total of 38 statues and portraits, design elegant, lifelike image.

4. 由王姬领衔主演的20集电视连续剧《因为爱所以爱》被誉为本届电视节的一匹黑马。
    Starring the Love for Love's Sake, Wang Ji is believed to be one of the new discoveries at this festival.

5. 该剧制作方将组织庞大的队伍来电视节推销自己,在剧中扮演女一号的演员王姬如果能错开档期也将来蓉打头阵。
    Currently, this TV drama is being produced heatedly in Shanghai, and sales people have already arrived at Chengdu for sale promotion.

6. 一连串匪夷所思的剧情让人紧张之余又兴奋不已,借助王姬、赵燕国彰等演员精湛的表演,导演檀冰把这部电影的悬疑、魔幻特质演绎得淋漓尽致。
    A series of incredible story of people nervous and excited while, with Wang Ji, Zhao Yan Chang State actors, such as the exquisite performances, the director Tan ice to the film's suspense, magical qualities interpretation of its head.

7. 王姬的翻译

7. 成龙、刘德华、张国立、冯小刚、陈道明、梅婷、奚美娟、王姬、潘虹、戴玉强、张靓颖、孙悦、李丹阳、大山等近百位明星,参加了节目录制。
    Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Zhang Guoli, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Tao-ming, 梅婷, 奚美娟, 王姬, Pan Hong, Dai Qiang, Zhang Liang Ying, Sun Yue, Li Danyang, near the mountains, such as spaces star, participated in the program recording.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 与往届一样,今年百合奖的嘉宾阵容也相当强大,老艺术家于洋、杨静,著名导演侯孝贤、高希希,演员王姬、李雪健、周海媚、萧蔷、孟广美、曾宝仪、张智霖、陶虹、董洁、黄渤、吴樾、何琳、王珞丹、张一山等百余位明星盛装出席,颁奖典礼由电影频道当家花旦经纬和黄渤、吴樾担当主持,首次搭档的黄渤和吴樾一唱一和,让现场笑声不断。
    With the past, this year guests Lily Award is also a strong line-up, the old artists in Yang, Yang Jing, a famous director Hou Hsiao-hsien, high KUENYEHIA, actors王姬, 李雪健, 周海媚, 萧蔷, 孟广美, 曾宝仪, Chi Lam, TAO Hong, Jie Dong, Huang Bo, Yue Wu, Lin He, Wang Luo Dan, Zhang Yishan, such as more than places to attend the star costumes, movie channels ceremony headed by the Opera and Jingwei Huang Bo, Yue Wu to play the auspices of the first partner Bo Huang and Wu Yue一唱一和so laughing at the scene.