

王梵志 网络解释

1. Wang Fanzhi:<066>Hejmsopiro 山中G | §.Wang Fanzhi 王梵志(?-670?) | <068>Du Poemoj 诗二首G

2. danci.911cha.com

2. rhythm:声律:rhythm | 王梵志:rhythm | 节律:rhythm

王梵志 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 另有一些异摄通押的情况,如王梵志诗中出现的效摄和流摄、效摄和蟹摄、果摄和蟹摄、止摄和假摄通押等,笔者解释不清,望各方家不吝赐教。
    Xiang Chus critical interpretation and textual criticism works on the two poets and gets some new conclusions, for the textual criticism that he practiced rigorously is mostly convincing.

2. 王梵志

2. 作为诗僧,惠洪的诗学思想最突出的一点就是他能从文学的角度来看待诗歌,这既不同于唐僧齐己的一味追求淡雅静幽,也不似寒山、拾得、王梵志那样纯用白话口语来写一些类似打油诗的劝世说教之作,也因此没有堕入僧诗惯有的蔬笋气或是教条气的老路中去,这是他比其他诗僧的高明之处。
    As a monk and poet, the outstanding character of the idea of Hui Hong`s poetics is that he treats poem as literature, which is different from the monk Qi Yi of Tang Dynasty who is seeking the simplicity, elegance and serenity, and is also different from HanShan, ShiDe and Wang Fanzhi who use merely colloquialism to write some works of dissuasion and instruction just similar to ragged verse. So his poems do not sink into the old way of writing poems for doctrine and are not plain as other monks` poems, which is his brilliance comparing with other monks who write poems.

3. 王梵志诗在我国文化思想史、敦煌学、民俗学上都占有重要的地位。
    Wang Fanzhi was a popular poet lived in the early period of the Tang Dynasty.

4. 在98个合成词中,目前还未见于其他文献的有6个词,这进一步肯定了王梵志诗的语料价值。
    There are six not finding in other documents of the ninety-eight words, and that once more says Wang Fanzhi poetry is of important language materials for Chinese history.

5. 王梵志的近义词

5. 前人已对王梵志、寒山的诗韵进行过不少的研究,如若凡、刘丽川、都兴宙、林炯阳和朱汝略等先生,但由于当时各方面的条件所限,和文章的侧重点不同,对此二人的诗韵还需进一步研究,而且到目前为止,尚没有人将二人的诗韵放在一起进行比较。
    Until now no one has put them together and compared them.

6. 王梵志的翻译

6. 附录》罗列了20世纪初以来有关王梵志诗研究的论著目录。
    Appendix collects the investigation documents'list on Wang Fanzhi poetry since the beginning of the twenty-century.

7. 在对寒山诗特色进行研究时,本文采用了比较法,将王梵志的诗与寒山诗对比,阐明寒山诗不仅继承了王梵志诗,而且在王梵志诗的基础上有很大的发展;本文还将寒山禅诗与文人禅诗相对比,论述了二者由于作者身份、经历、追求目标的不同而呈现出不同的面貌。
    The article uses the comparative medthod when studying Hanshan's poem.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 王梵志诗歌有着明显的训世化倾向。
    There is a clear tendency of instruction in the poems by Wang Fanzhi.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. 王梵志是唐初的白话诗人,他创作的数百首五言白话诗真实记录了唐代下层民众的生活和心态状况,展示了下层民众的鲜活的时代图景。
    He wrote hundreds of vernacular poems which reflected the lower-class's life and mentality, and these poems showed the lively picture of Tang dynasty.

10. 王梵志的反义词

10. 整理和研究王梵志及其作品,一方面可以还原其历史的本来面貌,另一方面也可以为探讨白话诗与唐诗繁荣的关系,以及白话诗歌对我国诗歌发展所创造的历史作用提供资料。
    Arranging and researching his the work, on the one hand we can restore the original visage of history, and on the other hand explore the prosperous relationship between Vernacular poems and Tang poetry.

11. 本文在项楚先生对王梵志诗和寒山诗作了全面细致的校勘、注释工作的基础上对王梵志诗和寒山诗的用韵情况重新进行了全面地整理,并对二人的用韵情况进行了分析,并加以对比,发现以下一些特殊的通押情况:一,王梵志诗中尤侯部的唇音字已系统地转入了鱼模;二,王梵志诗中-m尾向-n的靠拢已经露出端倪,而寒山诗中则无此倾向;三,王梵志诗中江部与东钟部近而与阳唐部远,这与周祖谟先生、王力先生的结论江部与阳唐部合流完成于隋朝之前并不一致,笔者认为这是不同地域方言发展进程的不同。
      This article is based on Mr.