

环堵[huán dǔ]


环堵 双语例句

1. 环堵

1. 他把那间几乎是环堵萧然的小客厅稍稍扫视一下,就问她现在有什么打算。
    And looking round the little almost empty drawing-room, he had asked her what she was going to do now.

2. 我老师告诉我:『修行完备的官员,他们都是政不出户,而百姓自自然然地顺应大道、安居乐业、国泰民安。』吾闻至人,尸居环堵之室,而百姓猖狂,不知所如往。
    My teacher told me, The official of perfect practice doesn`t exert his policy; under the environment of Tao, people live in peace and happiness; country is stable and peaceful.

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3. 原宪居鲁,环堵之室,茨以生草;蓬户不完,桑以为枢;而瓮牖二室,褐以为塞;上漏下湿,匡坐而弦。
    He could play music in heartsease without revealing any feeling of fidget.

4. 环堵在线翻译

4. 环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也。
    Central blocking萧然not cover wind days; short brown dress knot repeated scoop live in space, such as Yan also.